Posts Tagged ‘career tips’

ER: Sweet Expectations


Lately I’ve had the Baking Bug, trying out recipes before the HOLIDAYS (and if I have to be honest, because I’ve been craving something sweet).

The FIRST & the LAST Bites are always the BEST!

Evie's Apple Nut Coffee Cake

Evie’s Apple Nut Coffee Cake

I always allow myself two bites of yummy batter and two bites of whatever I’ve made when it’s fresh-out-of-the-oven. I’m sure you know this —  because it’s a well-known fact —  if you stand in the kitchen and eat bites, it’s not really fattening : )

My Dad and his sweet tooth, are always on my “goodie basket drop-off list”, and our little neighbor Owen loves my chocolate cake with M&Ms.  But even when I share with them, there’s still too much TEMPTATION left over, and that last thing I need to do before an Audition is stuff my face. Read the rest of this entry »

End of Summer — (but I think I feel hotter)

feeling half-glass full

feeling half-glass full

Another summer OVER.

Can I say the same for my professional Dry Spell?

Man, I hope so!

I really motivated myself this summer so I’ll be ready to ROCK the GUEST ROLE AUDITIONS this Fall. I need to be in front of the camera so everyone will remember what I can do – what I can be. Call it “prepping for PILOT SEASON.”

Summer Finds and Finding Myself

Spent the summer working on my inner and my outer — coaching actors, TA-ing at an Acting School, doing a small part in an Indie for a friend, and slimming down with the best discovery – my Yonana machine! It’s my version of a juice cleanse – but it tastes like ice cream, or sorbet, or Italian ice (depending on the ingredients). I can’t say enough about this fab find. My favorite combos are Peaches & Vanilla Yogurt Yonanas or Pineapple and Coconut Milk Yonanas. I got the bigger machine online from Bed Bath and Beyond –Yonana Elite is 2 ½ times more powerful) — and my freezer is packed with mini containers of frozen fruit, yogurt and coconut milk (haven’t tried almond milk yet). Frozen super-ripe bananas mixed with nothing tastes exactly like banana ice cream. I could go on and on, but enough on Yonanas…

Josh (my agent) said I need to glam up more for auditions, so I went to Barneys where Patrick (make-up artist extraordinaire) did my face before my audition yesterday (sure, I bought a ton of make-up — but Patrick gave me great tips so I can do it myself from now on).

Then last night— Read the rest of this entry »

Evie Stewart’s Life Meets ER

Hollywood vs.The Hospital

Hollywood vs.The Hospital

Okay, so if BuzzFeed writer Jack Moore can get staffed on the Fox show US & THEM simply by pitching modern day Seinfeld stories via his @seinfeldtoday, maybe I can star in my own life story about the characters who surround me

Evie Stewart Meets @ERtoday

What If…

  • Abby Lockhart’s mom goes off her meds and lands in the ER, but escapes with Evie to Barneys to binge shop before Abby cancels the credit card? Read the rest of this entry »

Hospitals Try Harder (It’s About Time!)

hoping for your happy face

Prescription for a Happy Face

Health isn’t the only thing that needs to get better in Hospitals. Customer dissatisfaction is more contagious than the Flu!  Think about it. Pre-internet when a customer was dissatisfied he’d maybe tell ten people, but in the current social media world complaints broadcast to thousands… maybe millions if your YouTube hits big.

Patient Satisfaction Overhaul (Finally!)

Did you see that L.A. Times article over the weekend about how federal payments to hospitals are being tied to customer satisfaction? That’s a major topic at the hospital where I volunteer. Everyone’s suddenly scrambling to figure out ways to make sure customer surveys are filled out positively — OR ELSE!

At my hospital they hire more people to act as Liasons between the Patient’s family and the Hospital.  I guess it helps everyone navigate the system, but we could do more. Much more. A great example of Hospital know-WOW comes from Pittsburgh Children’s Hospital.

Caped Cleaners

Caped Cleaners

It’s a bird, It’s a plane…

I mean how cool would it be for anyone entering the hospital to look up and see Super Hero Window Washers? Read the rest of this entry »

Acting CONFIDENT (when you feel anything but)


Last night I went to a friend’s birthday party at Katsuya — one gigantic rectangle of people I kinda knew with a few I didn’t, including a lovely network exec whose mere presence put me back into pimply high school mode. It had nothing to do with what she did — she was warm and open — and it wasn’t because we were talking about the business —I doubt that she even knows I’m an Actress. We were just two people saying “hi” for the first time, except that one of us was behaving like a mental freak show for no apparent reason. And though I knew I wasn’t doing myself any favors, I couldn’t get out of my own way.

Sabotage Syndrome

Why do we sabotage ourselves like that? People like CONFIDENCE. Insecurity makes people nervous, uncomfortable and everything gets so awkward. This is pretty true across the board – at work, in auditions, in relationships… Read the rest of this entry »

A Girl’s Essentials (part 4, bad hair day fix)

bad hair day?

bad hair day?

  1. Is your HAIR a HORROR STORY?
  2. No matter how hard you try to style it like the stylists, do you end up with FRIZZ? 
  3. Do you have MORE IMPORTANT THINGS to focus on than the mirror?


You’ll never ever need to blow a job interview, first date or audition again. Read the rest of this entry »

Pilot Season Psychic Powers

who knew?

who knew?

Forget Acting!

I should be a PSYCHIC!

All of my Comedy Pilot Predictions came true!  Too bad I can’t predict what’s gonna happen in my own “career”, Ugh!

Congrats to all behind the shows that were picked up!  Can’t wait for you to come back from the Upfronts, so we can MOVE ON to– Read the rest of this entry »

Sentenced to volunteer at Greater L.A. Medical (GLAM!) Hospital... I'm on-call in my worst nightmare -- ?!
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