Hospitals: Enter at your own RISK!

Beware of Janitors!

CAUTION: Psycho Janitor!

Working at a HOSPITAL is like working at STRESS CENTRAL. Everyone’s “on edge.”

  • Going through an uncomfortable procedure is stressful.
  • Removing your clothes for a stranger is stressful.
  • Waiting for test results is stressful.
  • Visiting someone you love who is in pain is stressful.
  • Going through labor (and the next 18 years) is stressful.
  • Working a 12 hour shift is stressful.
  • Receiving your hospital bill is stressful.

I totally get it, but—

I still have no idea why a member of the Janitorial Staff completely went off on me yesterday.

I’d just finished with my ER shift and decided at the last minute to stop in the restroom on the Street Level.  At the entrance of the Ladies’ Room, there was one of those yellow “Caution Wet Floor” signs.  And at the entrance of the Men’s Room next to it, there was a Cleaning Cart blocking anyone from walking in or out. I assumed that the Ladies’ Room had been cleaned already (hence the “caution” about the “wet floor”) and I assumed that the Janitor was in the Men’s room where the cart was.

Never ever ever ASSUME!

So moments later I’m sitting on the toilet minding my own business, when I hear this deep scary LOUD MAN’S VOICE bellowing through the Ladies’ Room:

NO-NO-NO-NO! You CAN’T be in there! It ain’t cool! It ain’t right!

It took me a sec to figure out who the hell he was talking to and then I realized he was talking to me.

Not knowing exactly what to do in this situation (it was a very inconvenient time for me to be having a conversation with a stranger),  I called out –

Sorry, I didn’t know.

This just made him angrier and louder —


Respect? What about me? I could’ve been some big deal HOSPITAL DONOR!  The Hospital Staff is supposed to make “Customers” feel “WELCOME.” I did NOT feel welcome!

Doctors are Under Stress, Nurses are Stress — Apparently JANITORS are under STRESS too!

I flushed, washed and fled as fast as I could. As I bolted, I didn’t see the Janitor (thankfully).  I only saw another girl enter and roll her eyes in solidarity with me.

So my advice is,  if you’re not good with stress, stay away from HOSPITALS.  Because there’s no relief even when you’re relieving yourself.

The HOSPITAL is a F-ing scary place!


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Sentenced to volunteer at Greater L.A. Medical (GLAM!) Hospital... I'm on-call in my worst nightmare -- ?!
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