Casting Directors: Feedback

facing fears
CASTING DIRECTORS (CD’S) are just PEOPLE, right? At least that’s what I keep trying to remind myself. And like People, some get you, some don’t. Usually I’m pretty good about getting “a sense”– but sometimes the perceptive part of my brain totally sabotages me.
I tend to walk into the room, and immediately get judge-y about what the CD is thinking. So in addition to remembering my lines, this whole other conversation is going on in my head about whether or not the CD thinks I’m right for the part and this all happens before I even open my mouth to say, “Hi, I’m Evie.”
Basically it’s a no-win situation, because before the CD has decided what he/she thinks of me, I’ve already decided for him/her and it sort of becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Ugh! If I could just reverse my thinking, I could make the self-fulfilling prophecy a positive one instead of a negative one.
Listening to CD’s – A Confusing Mix
Feedback that just makes me nuts because it’s so not helpful includes classic lines like–
They decided to go younger.
They decided to go ethnic.
They decided to go a different way.
On the other hand, sometimes CD’s call me in much later for something else, because they really liked me before (but I didn’t know that then because I didn’t get a callback.) It might not happen right away, but when it does, good feedback after the fact is really nice to get.
My favorite CD’s are super easy to be around. They smile (and actually mean it), give good notes and allow do-overs when they like you. Even when I’m not right for a part, when I’ve just auditioned for a pro and I get the message that I’ve done well, I leave feeling good about the process.
Of course the best feedback of all comes in the form of an INSTANT CALLBACK (sometimes before I even have time to get home.) Best feeling EVER!
I feel all sparkly inside. Ahhh…
(What makes you feel all sparkly inside? Let me know in the comments.)
[…] CONNECTING through COMEDY. Not just making people laugh (although that’s important in a Comedy Audition) but it’s more about connecting with them – making sure they “get” me and I […]
[…] very unfortunately. So in this department, I’d say I deserve a C- and not an F because several very supportive Casting Directors are still calling me in. For some unknown reason, they still think I’ve got it (even though I’m afraid I’ve lost […]
[…] Certain Casting Directors are still calling me in […]
You have done it once more! Great writing.
Great post! I’ve been there and it’s rough. Its hard not to be in your head. What I try to do is feel what’s going on in my body and use it. There’s a class called Committed Impulse based out of NY. But the teacher Josh Pais comes here to LA and has a workshop coming up if your interested. Anyway I mention this bc the next workshop is all about auditioning. His style of teaching is physical and all about telling the truth. Knowing that if your nervous you’re supposed be nervous…and instead of trying to suppress that, using it. Anyway your post made me think of it so I thought I’d let you know about it.
.-= Check out Grasie ´s latest: Trendsetter: Zoe Saldana =-.
You’re SO sweet to leave such a long and helpful comment. Will definitely spend some time on Josh’s site and will look into the workshop. Thx!
Nice! Glee is actually the ONLY TV show I watch, so it was interesting to hear that tidbit.
Take a deep breath and leave judgement out the door. You’re already putting yourself on the spot, there’s no room for psyching yourself out!
.-= Check out Juliana´s latest: [Intermission] =-.
Yes– Luv, luv, luv GLEE! (thanks for the good advice.)