Posts Tagged ‘ROCKS!’
Civil Unrest, Women’s Rights, and Environmental Concerns ROCK ON

dust, dope and delirious fans!
Wasn’t sure how I’d feel about Desert Trip (“Oldchella”) with the average age of performers teetering on 72, ahaha. I wondered if it’d feel like an oldie-but-goodie weekend where you feel kind of depressed watching wrinkled, balding performers go down memory lane, weakly. But it wasn’t like that – not at all! I didn’t get to stay for Roger Waters because I had to be at my part-time job Monday morning with Dr Frankenstein, but for me the big three were —
Mick Jagger, Neil Young and Paul McCartney
Who knows if it’s drugs or vitamins, but whatever they’re taking it’s working! No wonder Mick Jagger, at 73, is about to become a dad again. He’s still got the moves! McCartney and Young were clearly in the zone as they jammed on Beatle classics and a John Lennon Anthem! Yep, it was ROCK AND ROLL MAGIC at it’s very best! We (all 70,000 of us) felt lucky to be a part of it!

McCartney and Young playing their hearts out!
The more things change, the more they stay the same —
Drama Drama Drama — Strong Women in Film
Drama, the good kind, is where it’s at in film right now. Some of the best new DRAMAS focus on strong, resourceful, complicated WOMEN characters, driven by PURPOSE. Couldn’t happen at a better time — just as Hillary Clinton forges ahead in the Presidential campaign. Go Hillary!
Amazing Actresses like CAREY MULLIGAN, BRIE LARSON and CATE BLANCHETT haunt and inspire us in powerful performances that make a difference. These women and the characters they portray challenge us to do better and be better in our own lives.
Carey Mulligan is a Standout in Suffragette
Carey Mulligan’s passionate “Maud Watts,” a political innocent, factory-working wife/mother is radicalized by events and moved by real-life feminist activist, Emmeline Pankhurst, as she sacrifices what most of us never could, in order to make the world a fairer place for women. Parts of Mulligan’s performance are almost too painful to watch, as she experiences torture and tragedy in her sacrifice for Women’s Rights. The list of dates at the end, displaying where and when Women have won the right to vote is shocking because in our country we take this right so for granted.
I Predict An Oscar in Brie Larson’s Future —
Brie Larson’s “Ma” is the ultimate survivor as she protects her son’s innocence after hers has been stolen. Five-year-old Jack’s entire world is an eleven-foot shed where he lives with his mom, yet he has no idea that it’s a bad place or that he and his mom are being held captive by his father who’s his mother’s rapist. I saw the film over two weeks ago, yet the trailer still brings tears to my eyes. Read the rest of this entry »
COURAGE: Humble Heroes on a Train

badass! beyond hot!
Courage is something I think about a lot. As I’ve often said, we don’t know if we have it till we need it. So I’m in total awe of the fearless few who stand up for the rest of us in the face of enormous danger — like Spencer Stone, Alek Skarlatos and Anthony Sadler who tackled and disarmed a suspected Islamist militant shooting an AK-47 on a packed, high speed train bound for Paris on Friday.
Averting a massacre —
FATHER’S DAY : 10 Dad-isms To Remember

best dad ever!
No matter how big the problem, my Dad is the deep reassuring voice of calm. Even when he’s not with me, he’s in my head saying —
Everything’s gonna be okay.
When I’ve got a problem, he always compares it to a pebble —
If you hold a pebble up to your eye it looks really BIG — but when you throw it out as far as you can, it just becomes another grain in the sand.
10 Dadisms for Daily Life —

one, two, three, you can do it!
Tonight was epic! Life-altering! Out-of-body!
I witnessed a BIRTH! Not in the movies. Not in my imagination. It was almost in the Hallway! Uh-huh, things were happening that fast!
Rewind —
Earlier on my ER Shift it’s busy-busy — but there are four Volunteers (including Mira and me) so no one seems to mind when I wheel a moaning OB Patient up to Labor and Delivery and never come back.
When Duty calls…
“Red” the OB patient (with ridiculously curly red hair) wobbles in from her Uber, nervous, excited and very much ALONE! In one swift move I grab a wheelchair, plop her into it and ring L & D to let them know we’re on our way up —
In the elevator Red starts blowing in through her nose, out through her mouth –”oooooou, aahhhhh” when the elevator operator asks “When are you due?”
Red’s face scrunches, reddens, she looks like she’s about to burst and WAILS —
Now—-owwww! Ow-ow-owwwww!
A Personal Letter to Jason Katims: The HEART of TV
Dear Jason Katims:
Though we’ve never met, I feel like I kinda know you – at least your inner warm and fuzzy, touchy-feely parts.
FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS and PARENTHOOD, are amongst my faves-forever and your newest, ABOUT A BOY is worming its way into my heart.
I don’t know how you do it, but with every episode you manage to make me laugh-cry or cry-laugh as I empathize with your lovingly-flawed, fully fleshed-out characters. They’re all so heart-achingly honest and really, really, real — especially the tough-but-tender. So no matter how many times they fall, I’m there waiting with a net.
And don’t get me started on the Bravermans. I mean, I feel like they’re Family I love them all so much! Julia, Sarah and Kristina are my soul-sisters. Adam’s the big brother I wish I’d had. Camille’s my mom (if she’d lived longer). Though some of the situations may feel too-close-for-comfort (like family members with cancer or letting go of someone you love) you show me that we do get through it, no matter how hard it feels.
And ABOUT A BOY just keeps getting better and better. I now know that at the end of every episode there’s gonna be a lump-in-my-throat moment, whether the scene takes place on a diving board or toilet. Marcus and Will are 2014’s “Odd Couple.” They’re delicious! When it comes to characters, you know all the best flavors.

Marcus and Will
Your taste in casting is impeccable. I fell-in-love-at-first-sight with Tim Riggins, Vince Howard, Crosby B. and Will Freeman — I mean, you had me before they said “hello”. Read the rest of this entry »
Positivity: GOOD VIBES

It’s contagious, so spread it!
Musically-speaking I heard a lot of positivity this weekend. Friday night I was lucky enough to go with my Dad — who’s friends with a high-up at the Recording Academy — to the Musicare’s Person-of-The-Year Tribute to Carole King.
I knew of Carole King because my parents used to play her Tapestry Album over and over and over — plus they went to every James Taylor concert, so I knew she wrote for him too. But I had no idea Carole King wrote music for like 50 years for everyone from the Everly Brothers to Aretha Franklin to Blood Sweat and Tears to the Beatles… I mean the list just goes on and on. And the songs are ones we all know from growing up – they were blasting from our parents’ stereos, on the radio during carpool, in movies like The Big Chill and The Virgin Suicides. When I listened to the words throughout the Tribute to Carole King, what really struck me was how positive her music is/was — especially if you compare it to what’s popular now, which in a lot of cases is negative, dark and more about sex than love, more about pleasure than feelings — it’s weird, we’re all still human, right? Read the rest of this entry »