Posts Tagged ‘[-intimate-]’

if only…
Call it what you want – “SOULMATE”, “OTHER HALF”, “PERFECT PERSON” – we’re all looking, but we’re not all finding. Or — maybe we have found… WAIT! How do you know if the One is THE ONE?
Like a certain Doctor who keeps messing with my mind…
Is he what I’m looking for? Am I that for him? Am I the yin to his yang? The vice to his versa? The Tiffany to his Pat?
(On another ER Break )
Conversing in the Cafeteria —
He gives me A LOOK after I taste his yummy muffin and spill a few crumbs — Read the rest of this entry »
Mixed Messages for Valentine’s Day? (Thanks a NOT!)
No need to consult my CRYSTAL BALL about Valentine’s Day. I’ll be getting countless contradictory verbal and nonverbal romantic riddles from Dr. Adam — same as last year, only more of ’em.
It’s exhausting trying to figure out how he can sound closed-off, as he stands ultra-close. I’m not talking about some of the time, I’m talking about all of the time. And no, I’m not imagining it! He actually leans into my body when he says, “Do me a favor and get some ice.” – (No it’s not for our chilled drinks, it’s for an icebag for a patient!)
He’s a perfectly proper Physician whenever anyone’s around in the ER, but then very flirty when no one’s watching. So does he or doesn’t he: Like me? Love me? Get me? Need me? Want me? Hey, I don’t even know if I want him – unless I get to pick the version I want.
Flirtatious Flashback — Read the rest of this entry »
Doctors, Crushes and Apps of Choice —

can’t get enough of ’em
Suddenly apps are popping up to help patients understand medical conditions. Medikidz comics help kids understand illnesses and how to fight them. JiffPad is a new iPad app that helps patients interpret what they’ve heard (and forgotten) after they’ve left the doctor’s office.
“What if” Apps — (Taking Apps to a whole new level)
iNeed a “Romantictector” to scientifically interpret a relationship with someone in the Medical Community, like Dr. Crush, for instance! – an iPad app that takes his pulse when he’s talking to me (without him knowing, obvi). And measures his pupils to see if they dilate. And detects how many times he glances at me when I’m not looking. Or calculates how much closer he stands to me than say — “Resident Evil”, a certain frenemy of mine who works at the hospital and can always be seen carrying a grudge. Read the rest of this entry »
A Conundrum in Life: Simultaneous Happy/Sad

confusing emotions
Ever notice when a Emergency Siren BLASTS just as you’re in the middle of a really happy moment (like falling in love, or celebrating something?) I do. It reminds me that JOY and SADNESS happen at the same moment. There’s never a time when all of the people everywhere are happy… or sad. I guess that’s what makes the world work in a weird way. Unfortunately or fortunately we have to experience each emotion to understand the difference, as a basis of comparison, kind’a like SALTY and SWEET. I mean, even Fairy Tales have tragedy (sadly, Bambi and Cinderella lose their Moms.) Read the rest of this entry »
I’ve been feeling GUILTY about something for the last 48 hours…I need to be straight with you —
In my last post about “GOSSIPS and MEANIES” I pretended like I was talking about someone else (you prob’ly saw right through me anyway.) I was really embarrassed about being a complete weenie since…
I’m “Hottie” (no, I don’t think I’m hot, but some deranged people do.) I’m the one who allowed myself to be manipulated by Pushy. Humiliating as it is to admit, I gave my POWER over to someone else. No one should do that. NO ONE. Read the rest of this entry »
Hearing Voices or Am I Just Getting a Headache?

dr. crush
You think you know what you want. But what if you got it, would you even want it? Would you even know what to do with it? What if you blow it? What if you make the most of it? What if you’re not sure, but you’re willing to take some risks?
Is it the right time or the wrong time? Are you just biding time, because you’ve got time on your hands? Maybe it’s because he’s hands-off, unavailable like so many guys. So it’s the chase, not the win you can’t shake.
Think about your real life — the one you almost had — the one you’ve been working for. You know, the one that’s on hold right now. Maybe he’ll hold you back from your hopes and dreams. What about living the dream? Maybe he’s just a dream. What if it’s a nightmare ending? Maybe he’s not all he seems. Maybe he’s so much MORE! Winners are better than wannabes, right? But are you a loser if you wannabe with a winner? Will you feel less if he’s more? Read the rest of this entry »
Here’s the deal. I (like probably every Actor on earth) have an AWARD SPEECH playing and rewinding in my brain, ready for the BIG MOMENT. Revisions occur regularly after the OSCARS, EMMYS and SAG AWARDS each year and of course any time I’m about to get a BIG BREAK that’ll TOTALLY CHANGE MY CAREER! (Sound familiar fellow-Actors?)
Naturally I pay close attention to what works (luv’d Ty Burrell‘s “Tight Genes”speech) , what falls flat and what touches people (hi-five to Guy Pearce for inserting the raciest touch!) If the acceptance speech elicits laughs and tears it’s probably a good one, right? Read the rest of this entry »