Posts Tagged ‘funny ‘strange’’
Funny Thought of the Day: Feeling Judged

judg-y voice = headache
OMG! Did the Horoscopian Astrologer at the L.A. Times read my post FOLLOW YOUR INSTINCTS ? I think maybe this was written specifically to me: Read the rest of this entry »
“Social” Media?

connected or disconnected?
I should really feel popular right now.
I’ve got:
But, no matter how plugged in I am, the phone never rings… Read the rest of this entry »
Vids & Webisodes: My Faves
Certain oldie-but-goody-vids still make me cry like Susan Boyle showing the world that what’s inside is more important than what’s outside and the “all time” best wedding dance vid “JK Wedding Dance” (which totally makes me want to plan my wedding even though at the moment I don’t have a groom in mind.)
Whenever I need to smile I just watch the “Chest Bump Montage”, which appeals to my inner-goof and I can’t explain why I think “Idiots” is so funny, I just do.
The entire “Mr. Old Spice” campaign totally rocks (not only for me, but for gazillions of others – Who knew?) I just can’t believe I got into it at the end of the campaign, because I have so many questions I’d like to ask Isaiah Mustafa (oh yeah!) Read the rest of this entry »
Making Wishes: 26 Ways

magically thinking
Wow! I never knew there were so many opportunities to make wishes before I started researching this post. Here are 26 (2+6=8) of my faves. Of course, my wish for the first one would totally depend on who’s riding the horse . Read the rest of this entry »
2010 Emmy Awards: I vote for MODERN FAMILY

Family Matters!
Now’s the time when all the Trades are filled with pre-nom ads promoting every show, every actor everybody for the Emmy Nominations. It’s a little overkill if you ask me. Except when it comes to MODERN FAMILY! I luv Wednesday’s cover of Variety where they’re all wearing smeared white clothes looking all goofy like a real family. Read the rest of this entry »
Volunteering: The GOOD, The BAD and The FUNNY

ready for everything 24/7
As I walk from the Employee Parking Lot to the ER tonight, I notice a man walking near me, wearing the same ugly Volunteer smock as I am. He asks what department I work in, so I ask him the same question. He works in the Cancer Unit, which for me is the HARDEST place of all. Read the rest of this entry »
Film Faves: Currently Speaking
My film faves (like all my faves) are always changing. I suppose I’m a work in progress. (Big shock, right?) Read the rest of this entry »