Posts Tagged ‘conundrums’

Urgent Care in the ER

anatomy lessons

anatomy lessons

I couldn’t write about this till now, because it freaked me out so much when it happened. Even now I think about it every time I sit down to eat.

It starts out like a typical ER Saturday Afternoon Shift

  • nightmare waiting room
  • all beds are filled
  • labs are piling up

In Trauma, Bed 8, this pretty New York Model (you know I can’t say who) is really having a tough time of it. She’s been there for 14 hours with what she thinks is Acid Reflux (because she can’t keep anything down, not even a sip of water). She’s all nervous, because she’s got a wardrobe fitting scheduled in a few hours for a huge commercial, due to shoot Monday. Read the rest of this entry »

Funny Thought of the Day: Feeling Judged

judg-y-voice = headache

judg-y voice = headache

OMG! Did the Horoscopian Astrologer at the L.A. Times read my post FOLLOW YOUR INSTINCTS ? I think maybe this was written specifically to me: Read the rest of this entry »

Follow Your Instincts

make your choice and own it!

make a choice and own it!

Are you in a CREATIVE profession? Are there TOO MANY VOICES in your head? How do you know who’s right and who’s wrong?

Trouble is you don’t. Why? Because–

Creative Expression is SUBJECTIVE.

Some people “get you” and some people don’t.
ActorsWritersMusiciansDirectors and Stand-up Comics–
have highs and lows depending on how well their– Read the rest of this entry »

“Social” Media?

connected or dis?

connected or disconnected?

I should really feel popular right now.

I’ve got:

But, no matter how plugged in I am, the phone never rings… Read the rest of this entry »

Quality: Trying to hold on…

rosy memories
Have you noticed lately how so many things are made to NOT last?

Like lots of relationships, jobs, products…

It’s no big shock that people are afraid of marriage these days. I mean every day we hear about someone breaking up with someone he or she supposedly loved. Read the rest of this entry »

So Hollywood: In A Good Way

Paris and Nicky Hilton June 29

Identity Crisis

Yesterday  when I was walking back to my car from the two hour spin/pilates portion of my day, a Hollywood tour bus passed me and the guide said into the microphone: Read the rest of this entry »

Want it? Be it!

the heart of temptation

what are you tempted to try?

Searching for AWESOMENESS?


Not just today – Read the rest of this entry »

Sentenced to volunteer at Greater L.A. Medical (GLAM!) Hospital... I'm on-call in my worst nightmare -- ?!
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