Posts Tagged ‘conundrums’

The “Key” to Finding the Funny

life seems more simple than it is

getting there

The holidays always are always fun, expensive and exhausting — and for me: distracting. Yesterday morning, in desperate need of finding my balance, I couldn’t wait to–

… return to yoga.

Running late (as usual), I rushed out of my place — but couldn’t find my key, so I grabbed the spare and took off. Then, when I got there, my Prius gave me a “key not detected” message. Whaaa?

I searched madly for the key in every crevice of my car. I checked my pockets, my purse, my trunk around the car on the pavement. Noooooo – not my “extra” key! Read the rest of this entry »

Evie Stewart’s Top 20 Christmas Song Faves

glee christmas album

Do you hear what I hear?

We’re all running running running out of time, and the last thing you need is another Holiday Project — obvi.  But you might have time to make a SUPER-QUICK CHRISTMAS MIX to play when friends come over. Or, maybe you’re going somewhere and need a Hostess Gift that doesn’t break the bank.

Either way, here’s my eclectic list, just in case you want to throw something together and don’t have time for research. Read the rest of this entry »

Finding The Funny: A Sweet Christmas Story

treasure to treasure

treasure to treasure

One of my favorite stories my Dad tells me about my Mom has to do with my Grandmother, who was this very elegant super-generous lady.  My Mom and my Grandmother loved hunting for old beautiful collectibles. They especially loved anything with a lady on it, so beautiful finds from the Victorian, Art Nouveau or Art Deco periods really made them smile.

My Mom was apparently antiquing with my Grandmother in London the November before Mom married my Dad. And since it was the month before Christmas, my Grandmother was hunting for special gifts for my Mom. What she didn’t know though was… Read the rest of this entry »

Look At The Bright Side: Inspirational Thoughts


I kind’a had a rough week, so I’m blanking on my #findthefunny Monday post today. Instead, I hope you don’t mind if I gather INSPIRATIONAL POSITIVITY from Shirley Temple (not the drink) and others.

I’m pretty sure by next week my glass will be filled through motivational osmosis and I’ll be back to–

Finding the Funny as Half-Full Evie – –

The best I can come up with right now is: Read the rest of this entry »

Household Dangers: A Funny Ouch!

all better

thumbs up for hot docs

I’ve always loved baking, but I tend to use every utensil and bowl in the kitchen, so doing the dishes is NOT my favorite thing.

Yesterday post yoga, after making three kinds of cookie dough (chocolate chip, pecan meltaways and cinnamon sugar) to freeze for holiday baking, I’m washing dishes when OWWWW… Read the rest of this entry »


I can’t believe Find The Funny Monday has rolled back around yet again. Pressure! I’m starting to realize that #findthefunny stories often relate back to my–


Awhile back, I was up for a cable series in a really great role, that I was exactly right for. Well —  exactly right, with the exception of two small details. Mine were “too” small. What they wanted were two bigger and curvier details like Anne Hathaway has in “LOVE AND OTHER DRUGS.”

she's got what it takes

she's got what it takes

The initial audition went GREAT. The super supportive CD called  my agent Josh right away, saying the producers wanted to see me —

Tell Evie to wear tight jeans, stiletto pumps, a low-cut black sweater and–
B O O B S ! Read the rest of this entry »

Find The Funny: OOPS!

a little wrinkle

a little wrinkle

Yes it’s Find The Funny Monday again—

This week’s #findthefunny moment happens at Whole Foods. I’m picking up ingredients for my Mom’s Sweet Potatoes with my little pal Owen (my neighbor Sara’s got family business to take care of and since my acting career’s on a break, I’m happy to hang with a five year-old.)

Sara’s Nana (Owen’s Grand Nana) died about a month ago (from Alzheimer’s that she had like, forever) and ever since then, Owen has been kind of obsessed with death and aging. Not in a scary way. More in an “Owenish” curious way. Since Sara told him that when people get really really really old they die, Owen has been extremely focused on exactly how old everyone is and how many wrinkles he or she has. Read the rest of this entry »

Sentenced to volunteer at Greater L.A. Medical (GLAM!) Hospital... I'm on-call in my worst nightmare -- ?!
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