Posts Tagged ‘BEST OF LA’

Braving TV’s Pilot Season

another beautiful actress

Lisa's smiling, oh yeah!

Yesterday my acting partner, Nick sent me a link to an article Ken Levine wrote during TV Pilot Season last year. It’s fun to read whether you’re in the TV business, trying to be in the TV business or just watch TV.

I texted back —

So funny! Love it for my blog.

Nick’s comeback —

FUNNY?!  It made me cry!

I mean, Nick’s technically right. It’s ultra-depressing that one of the prerequisites of a Hot Girl role is that the producers look for someone “guys wanna f#@k.” And trust me, this is absolutely true. A major TV producer told me that point blank! Read the rest of this entry »

10 Christmas Covets

Christmas Sparkle

Christmas Sparkle

Only six more days to go, so just in case anyone’s wondering, here’s a list of gifts I’d love  (hint-hint) — besides WORLD PEACE, obvi!

Christmas Gifts from $12.00 and up

1. “Exit ThroughThe Gift Shop” DVD
(temporarily backordered | worth the wait)

2. Pink Sparkle Toms
(add a little glitter to every day) Read the rest of this entry »


I can’t believe Find The Funny Monday has rolled back around yet again. Pressure! I’m starting to realize that #findthefunny stories often relate back to my–


Awhile back, I was up for a cable series in a really great role, that I was exactly right for. Well —  exactly right, with the exception of two small details. Mine were “too” small. What they wanted were two bigger and curvier details like Anne Hathaway has in “LOVE AND OTHER DRUGS.”

she's got what it takes

she's got what it takes

The initial audition went GREAT. The super supportive CD called  my agent Josh right away, saying the producers wanted to see me —

Tell Evie to wear tight jeans, stiletto pumps, a low-cut black sweater and–
B O O B S ! Read the rest of this entry »

Evie Finds The Funny

Rire sur internet

live and laugh

Today’s the 1st day of–


It’s a weekly post about finding the funny in something that might not otherwise be… funny.

About a month ago I started dating a guy (“G”). Not exactly my type, but potentially-interesting.  When I mentioned “G” to my dad, he was so happy that — Read the rest of this entry »

Actors: Living the Dream

good-byes are hard

good-byes are hard

So my Twitter bud and fellow Actor @MikeCapozzi forwarded me devastating news about the demise of my favorite website

You may remember that I did an entire post on how fabulous this Actor-friendly site “is” or now I should say “was”. It was like an inside source with casting news, inside info, great advice and resources for Actors yada yada. Apparently it was a little too inside and became a conflict of interests. Boo hoo!

So since, and @killthedoor have been ahem, “killed”, I’ve decided to share this little vid with everyone, to watch in absence of a memorial service (you can wear black when you watch it, if you want.) Read the rest of this entry »

Courage: The Heroes who have it

be brave

you can

As my parents’ anniversary approaches, I’m reminded of my brave Mom during what seems like forever ago. It’s a subject I’m not great about discussing, so I won’t right now. But it does make me think about COURAGE and how we don’t really know if we have it until we need it (no matter how well we think we know ourselves).

The Heroes Among Us —

This week three courageous heroes came into my consciousness.

In the L.A. Times this week I read an inspirational article about Iron Man competitor Clayton Treska who is battling Read the rest of this entry »

A Perfect Sunday

Mellow in Malibu

Mellow in Malibu

L.A. — right here | right now:

Blue sky. Perfect Weather. Birds are singing. All is well. Read the rest of this entry »

Sentenced to volunteer at Greater L.A. Medical (GLAM!) Hospital... I'm on-call in my worst nightmare -- ?!
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