Has Texting Replaced Talking?

is romance short-handed?

Today’s #findthefunnymonday question asks — What’s the deal with GUYS and TEXTING?

It seems like constant texting gives guys the sense that they’re with us, without actually having to put in the time.  Anyone else noticing this? OMG! I’m sure “Texting” was invented by a GUY. Right?

Texting = Communicating?

Do we truly connect when we text? Depends. Getting to say what you want to say in as few words as possible and then being done with it is a Guy’s DREAM. Obvi. But Women need more. Much more.

If you Google “texting” you get all kinds of advice from “Flirty Text” to “Dirty Text.” I might just have to try out this flirt-fave I just found online  —

“Stop thinking about me!:)”

I’m SO over BORING TEXTS, aren’t you!

I went out with this cute boy and we had this great time and ever since, he texts me five or six times a day, but so far there’s no hint about when or even if we’ll see each other again and it has been two weeks! Some of his riveting text subjects include details about his stomach flu (btw I was the one who wanted to throw up) delayed appointments, take-out orders. It takes every ounce of restraint to NOT text back  “ZZZZ!!”

And then there’s Dr. Mixed-Message (who has my number because I accidentally left my phone in the ER and he found it). He texted me recently (completely out of the clear blue) with–

“Go look at the moon.”

Kinda romantic and kinda confusing.  I’m glad he was thinking about me, but… I’m not crazy for wanting a little more, am I?

(Gotta admit though, it was a pretty awesome moon…)

4 responses to “Has Texting Replaced Talking?”

  • Mike:

    aww sorry ’bout the boring texts. i hear ya…

    • Evie...:

      I bet your texts aren’t boring!

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