PARKLAND TEENS Believing in the Impossible Make Things Possible

Off-White Tee says it best!

Our nation is IN AWE of the fearless, resilient, articulate PARKLAND TEENS and their #Never Again Movement. They’ve taken on the President, Congress and the NRA and trust me, they’re just getting started.  Refusing to take “no” for an answer, they have more stick-to-itive-ness and chuzpah than the Senate and Congress combined.

When Leaders Act Like Children — CHILDREN BECOME LEADERS!

While the many who’ve tried and tried to make our country safer from maniac machine-gunners pessimistically shake their heads believing nothing will ever change, things actually are CHANGING… slowly but surely… It’s kind of A.MAZ.ING!

Headlines in the last week —

Walmart will raise age for purchase of firearms and ammunition to 21

A List of the Companies Cutting Ties With the N.R.A.

Dick’s Sporting Goods, a major gun retailer, to end sales of assault-style rifles after Florida massacre

Kroger Raises Age Limits on Gun Sales, Joining Walmart and Dick’s

WATCH-OUT out NRA! Parkland Teens are the LEADERS and VOTERS of tomorrow.

Hey Congress and President Trump — Isn’t it about time you GROW A PAIR?!

(Wish I could be as fearless as the Parkland Students. Maybe I need to find something I’m as passionate about. Sigh…)

What do you think?

Sentenced to volunteer at Greater L.A. Medical (GLAM!) Hospital... I'm on-call in my worst nightmare -- ?!
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