True story. A couple of weeks ago…

I’m in Santa Monica, parked on Wilshire Blvd near 3rd Street Promenade on the far-far right by the curb, facing the Ocean.  The sun is super bright, blinding me.  So I lean over the steering wheel to block out the sun and read/answer an email. Okay, yeah, I admit, it’s a long email.

SUDDENLY I hear a slow siren, then a Man’s DEEP VOICE over a LOUDSPEAKER.  My head pops up. Whaa?!

OMG! An enormous FIRE TRUCK is heading directly toward me! In my parking lane! On the wrong side of the street! Y I K E S!

My eyes dart from side-to-side. Where’s the fire?!

The bellowing VOICE:

Is everything all right?

What did I do wrong?

An ambulance pulls up behind the fire truck. Whaa?!

A PARAMEDIC walks up to my window —

Are you okay?! Someone reported a woman was slumped over the wheel.

Embarrassed —

OMG! No, I’m FINE. I was writing an email.

He looks at me suspiciously —

The sun was in my eyes.

Okay, if you’re sure.

I’m totally fine! It’s all good.

The fireman and paramedics drive away. Thankfully.

But then, a POLICE CAR edges slowly by my driver’s window.

False alarm, I’m totally fine.

Someone called…

Every First Responder RESPONDED —

Not to a drug overdose. Not to a cardiac arrest. Not to a GSW. Nope! They responded to a FF-ing long EMAIL!

It was like I was on a sitcom, but it was real.  I know, I know… only in L.A., right?

Who called? A Good Samaritan? A Delusional Driver?

Could have been worse. What if the Paramedics had called it into the hospital?

Young Blond woman slumped over the wheel…

— and then gurney-d me into my ER

I can just hear my Triage Nurse, Anthony Chan, now —

OH,  it’s just Evie. Get back to work Volunteer! STAT!

I’d never live that one down, ahaha…





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Sentenced to volunteer at Greater L.A. Medical (GLAM!) Hospital... I'm on-call in my worst nightmare -- ?!
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