Archive for the ‘whatevs’ Category
HAPPY NEW YEAR: Get in Sync with the Universe for 2018
2018 will be one of those years when you look back and go —
“Whoa! So much has changed for me!”
It’s a LUNAR year amplifying all of your intentions. January starts with a SUPER MOON and ends with an ECLIPSE, which comes every BLUE MOON. We’re looking at MAGICAL BEGINNINGS…
2018 (#2 or Master #11) is about YIN and all instincts FEMININE!
Decide on what ways you want things to be better because it’ll be a highly transformative year. Don’t miss any opportunities. Manifest more of your soul’s purpose and authentic self by being intentional.
Focus on your dreams. Express yourself…be yourself… Let your authentic self out. Be the real YOU!
Civil Unrest, Women’s Rights, and Environmental Concerns ROCK ON

dust, dope and delirious fans!
Wasn’t sure how I’d feel about Desert Trip (“Oldchella”) with the average age of performers teetering on 72, ahaha. I wondered if it’d feel like an oldie-but-goodie weekend where you feel kind of depressed watching wrinkled, balding performers go down memory lane, weakly. But it wasn’t like that – not at all! I didn’t get to stay for Roger Waters because I had to be at my part-time job Monday morning with Dr Frankenstein, but for me the big three were —
Mick Jagger, Neil Young and Paul McCartney
Who knows if it’s drugs or vitamins, but whatever they’re taking it’s working! No wonder Mick Jagger, at 73, is about to become a dad again. He’s still got the moves! McCartney and Young were clearly in the zone as they jammed on Beatle classics and a John Lennon Anthem! Yep, it was ROCK AND ROLL MAGIC at it’s very best! We (all 70,000 of us) felt lucky to be a part of it!

McCartney and Young playing their hearts out!
The more things change, the more they stay the same —
OVER-SHARING: You Can’t Take It Back
Why do we think it’s necessary to tell EVERYBODY everything? We do it on Facebook, on Instagram, in emails, and texts — on the phone, on Twitter, at the market and at the gym. Everywhere we go, when someone says “How are you?” we tend to give out TMI. Why inform the universe of our every thought and step? Have you noticed that once it’s out there, you can’t take it back?
OVER-SHARING can totally backfire!
Living in L.A. = Death of Romance

flowers aren’t even allowed
L.A. Pandemic! Yikes! L.A. Guys are coming down with the infectious slug that KILLS Romance! It’s devastating… DEV.A.STATING! Beeeeeeyond! I can’t even read the obits. Like young women everywhere — from Santa Monica to Burbank — I’m mourning silently… Say it ain’t so! But it is so — it’s sooooo so. The signs — they’re there…
The 5 Signs of Death in Romance
1. Loss of Appetite –
The GUY: “I’m not that hungry, wanna share something?”
The Girl (silent): “Too stingy to pay for two meals, huh?”
2. Labored Breathing –
The GUY: “Hey babe, wanna hook up?”
The GIRL (silent): “And why do I already feel fucked?” Read the rest of this entry »

It’s another Monday-Monday, so let’s start off this week half-glass full! K?
- Get-up, gulp, and go for it!
- Appreciate each step forward!
- Do a lot better!
- Push yourself more, more, more!
- Focus on the good, the goofy and the giggles!
- Laugh before you leap!
- Deep breath — now jump off the old, land in the new!
- Think creatively!
- Be your own wand — make your own magic!
- Find the funny, even when it hurts!
- Embrace your stick-to-itiveness!
- Believe it will happen!
It’s NOT Halloween – It’s a Scary Flu Season

the new flu can be rough-rough!
OMG! It’s a MASKADEMIC! Our hospital reminds me of Asia during the Sars Epidemic ‘cuz everyone’s wearing a MASK! Crazy! It’s like the opposite of what we learned in ER Volunteer Training when our Supervisor Charlayne told us –
Ya’ll need to wear masks around patients in ISO, but be sure to remove them when you’re walkin’ around. It’s like wearin’ rubber gloves in the waitin’ room. They give the wrong message.
Things are different now with the current strain of Flu — because it’s much stronger, scarier, and more virulent than in previous years. The new Flu is a RISK to the young, the old, the high-risk and even to HEALTHY humans. Yeah, it’s Twilight-Zone-y, sorta like that movie Gwyneth Paltrow was in: CONTAGION. Well no, not that bad — but seriously, this new Flu can be a matter of life-and-death. No kidding! Read the rest of this entry »
- Go on a HOUSE CLEANSE on the 31st (Mop up the old mess so you can make room for the new mess.)
- LUG YOUR LUGGAGE around the block – (Packed with the the things you’ll need on your “Dream Vacay”.)
- GRAB THE GRAPES — (In-between midnight hugs and kisses eat 12 of them, making a wish with each of the 12 months to come.)
- CARRY CASH at midnight – (For prosperity in the New Year… and while we’re on that subject…)
- Put a GOLD RING in your Glass for the promise of riches — (But be sure you don’t swallow it, because that’ll insure a trip to the ER instead — which is so not where you’ll want to be on New Year’s Eve, trust me)! Read the rest of this entry »