Archive for the ‘true love + not’ Category


Shall I tell a "certain doctor" when he checks my pulse?

Shall I tell a “certain doctor” when he checks my pulse?

If you have someone special in your life you feel PRESSURE to do something ROMANTIC on Valentine’s Day, right?  Well, there’s nothing more UNromantic than forcing romance. It’s counter-productive, feels fake and well, it is a little fake. Try going out to dinner on February 14th and you’ll see what I mean. Expensive prix fixe meals, dumb decorations, loud crowds. Romantic? Me no think so.

Overplanning is NOT Romantic —

February 14th like New Years Eve tries too hard to be important. Think of it as life’s “Annual Prom” — it never lives up to expectations. Never-ever! You over-spend, under-enjoy, feel let-down after. Even the sex is overrated. Bummer!

EXPECTATION is the leading killer of romance!

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Living in L.A. = Death of Romance

flowers aren't even allowed

flowers aren’t even allowed

L.A. Pandemic! Yikes! L.A. Guys are coming down with the infectious slug that KILLS Romance! It’s devastating… DEV.A.STATING! Beeeeeeyond! I can’t even read the obits. Like young women everywhere — from Santa Monica to Burbank — I’m mourning silently… Say it ain’t so! But it is so — it’s sooooo so. The signs — they’re there…


The 5 Signs of Death in Romance

1. Loss of Appetite –

The GUY: “I’m not that hungry, wanna share something?”
The Girl (silent): “Too stingy to pay for two meals, huh?”

2.  Labored Breathing –

The GUY: “Hey babe, wanna hook up?”
The GIRL (silent): “And why do I already feel fucked?” Read the rest of this entry »

Fate vs Free Will

taking the leap

taking the leap

FATE: Are we in the hands of fate or is fate in our hands?

Are we meant-to-be or are we meant-to-make-it-happen? Some people and moments-in-time feel unexplainably meant-to-be. But what about the thousands that don’t?

Sticking Your Neck Out —

One of my author faves, Allison Winn Scotch explores choice vs. fate in THE THEORY OF OPPOSITES, a modern day love story about losing a safety net and learning how to jump anyway. Yikes! It’s about going in the opposite direction of your comfort zone (not my favorite direction) — creating a “Life Map”, then owning it/living it fearlessly and intensely, regardless of how vulnerable, inadequate, and totally freaked-out you might be. (I’m freaked out just thinking about it!)

Last month real life Air-Traveler” Erica Domesek (@psimadethis) decided to edit her own Fairy Tale via Twitter after she sat next to her “future husband” but didn’t get his full name on a flight. (Don’t you just hate when that happens?) Erica tweet-begged the airlines to help her track him down and when that failed, she rallied the universal Twitter Nation. Erica took destiny into her own hands after her possible true love had been seated in “2B.” Read the rest of this entry »

HEART BEATS – Evie Stewart’s Valentine’s Playlist 2014


Banksy's heart-on

Banksy’s heart-on

It’s almost February 14th — UGH!

That means:
PRESSURE if you’re in a Relationship. DEPRESSION if you’re not.

It’s the HOLIDAY of unrealistic EXPECTATIONS and humongous DISAPPOINTMENTS (so fun!) —
Wait… isn’t that just about my every day?


So uhm, while you’re trying to bribe the hostess at that fully-booked “romantic” restaurant and feeling kinda forced to express yourself, why not take time to listen to my Valentine’s Day Songlist? Who knows, maybe it’ll help put you —

In The Mood — 


Flume – This Song Is Not About a Girl

Andrew Ripp – Falling for the Beat

Roberta Flack – The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face

Haim – Honey & I Read the rest of this entry »

Heart or Hormones ?

romance sigh

Is FOREVER AND EVER a figment of my imagination?

Is he someone I can’t have, so that makes me want him more? Or is he in my heart deeply, purely, completely because we’re meant to be?

Are we just a romantic moment? A true love story? Best friends? Soul mates? Two simply in sync?

Or is he a drug zapping me of sense of time and consequence? Do I experience withdrawal because I’m I addicted to the fantasy?

looking for "the one"

looking for “the one”

Am I a physical attraction that will fade from his romantic sunset? The chase that’s no longer exciting, once he catches up?

Will he slay dragons and swim through shark infested waters through sickness and frustrating life-sucking situations? Will he stick with me when I get crabby, stomachache-y and emotional monthly? Read the rest of this entry »


if only...

if only…

Call it what you want – “SOULMATE”, “OTHER HALF”, “PERFECT PERSON” – we’re all looking, but we’re not all finding. Or — maybe we have found… WAIT! How do you know if the One is THE ONE? 

Like a certain Doctor who keeps messing with my mind…

Is he what I’m looking for? Am I that for him? Am I the yin to his yang? The vice to his versa? The Tiffany to his Pat?

(On another ER Break )
Conversing in the Cafeteria —

He gives me A LOOK after I taste his yummy muffin and spill a few crumbs — Read the rest of this entry »

Mixed Messages for Valentine’s Day? (Thanks a NOT!)

a certain someone

No need to consult my CRYSTAL BALL about Valentine’s Day. I’ll be getting countless contradictory verbal and nonverbal romantic riddles from Dr. Adam — same as last year, only more of ’em.

It’s exhausting trying to figure out how he can sound closed-off, as he stands ultra-close. I’m not talking about some of the time, I’m talking about all of the time. And no, I’m not imagining it! He actually leans into my body when he says, “Do me a favor and get some ice.” – (No it’s not for our chilled drinks, it’s for an icebag for a patient!)

He’s a perfectly proper Physician whenever anyone’s around in the ER, but then very flirty when no one’s watching.  So does he or doesn’t he: Like me? Love me? Get me? Need me? Want me? Hey, I don’t even know if I want him – unless I get to pick the version I want.

Flirtatious Flashback — Read the rest of this entry »

Sentenced to volunteer at Greater L.A. Medical (GLAM!) Hospital... I'm on-call in my worst nightmare -- ?!
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