Archive for the ‘finding the funny’ Category
Happy New Year SUPERSTITIONS for 2017

fingers crossed!
Voices In My Head
Voices in my head keep….
- interpreting warnings from CNN — scaring me about going just about anywhere, any day, any time —
- repeating Trump’s boisterous blunders – reminding me that 40% of the population seems to agree with him —
- warning me that newer, younger, hotter, blond actresses are now on the radar of the Casting Directors who used to champion me —
- cautioning me that I don’t know how to do anything except for Acting, Volunteering and Ubering —
- challenging me to be a little braver and collaborate on a short film or web series so I can gain control my own destiny —
- reminding me that my life of not knowing isn’t nearly as bad as those of the patients who come into the ER and find out really big things to worry about —
- channelling my mom and prompting me to find the funny even when it hurts.
7 New Year’s Superstitions: For GOOD LUCK in 2016

positive thinking!
Every year I post New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day Superstitions but enough with the scary! 2015 has been depressing and difficult enough with long wars, wicked winds and long-winded wicked politicians. Let’s focus on super simple superstitions that are POSITIVE and bring GOOD LUCK only.
Now break out the kale, coins and cash because…
GOOD LUCK will come to you if you —

Labor & Delivery… interesting…
Hospital Stories —
Wednesday afternoon on my ER Shift, a British woman, “preggers with twins,” comes in to deliver. As I wheel her upstairs, I ask if she’s nervous and she says — with out-stretched arms —
I’m a little scared about being strapped to the gurney during my C-Section!
Apparently her friend who had twins (at another hospital) told her that she had to be restrained during her procedure. So I say —
Uh, no – not in this hospital – unless you’re a mental patient.
She laughs —
Well that explains it!

Shall I tell a “certain doctor” when he checks my pulse?
If you have someone special in your life you feel PRESSURE to do something ROMANTIC on Valentine’s Day, right? Well, there’s nothing more UNromantic than forcing romance. It’s counter-productive, feels fake and well, it is a little fake. Try going out to dinner on February 14th and you’ll see what I mean. Expensive prix fixe meals, dumb decorations, loud crowds. Romantic? Me no think so.
Overplanning is NOT Romantic —
February 14th like New Years Eve tries too hard to be important. Think of it as life’s “Annual Prom” — it never lives up to expectations. Never-ever! You over-spend, under-enjoy, feel let-down after. Even the sex is overrated. Bummer!
EXPECTATION is the leading killer of romance!
Learning to Find The Funny
You’re never too young to learn “how to” look at the bright side… or make lemonade… or be glass-half-full. My Mom really had the most amazing way of getting through the toughest stuff with her uncomplain-y attitude and ability to add a little levity to anxiety-provoking situations. No matter how many times Mom visited the ER… or went through surgery… or lasted through chemo… or got stuck with nasty needles — she’d be more worried about making things okay for me than anything else.
Like Mother, Like Daughter ??
Unfortunately I didn’t inherit all of her optimistic genes and she forgot to leave me her rose-colored glasses. But as I juggle my struggles (which are so unimportant when you compare them to health struggles), I try to minimize the drama and maximize the comedy in order to honor the memory of my Mom. When I’m able to make a patient in the ER laugh — or make myself laugh when I least feel like it, I’m channeling her. Obvi. Read the rest of this entry »
Finding The Funny with THE SKELETON TWINS

nothing’s gonna stop them now
During my Amazing Mom’s much-too-short life she managed to find the funny during the darkest of times, so unsurprisingly I raced out to see THE SKELETON TWINS opening weekend after learning that it’s about family members (Maggie and Milo) who use humor to cope.
It certainly didn’t hurt that it was a Sundance Best Screenplay winner — and then when I read that that Writer/Director Craig Johnson and stars Kristen Wiig and Bill Hader would be doing Q&As after some of the weekend screenings, the deal was sealed. Win/Win for me as I managed to score a ticket (to what would be a sold-out performance) at the Landmark in West L.A. where Johnson and Hader were planning to appear. Big YAY!
To me Kristen Wiig and Bill Hader are the “best of” modern-day SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE. I’m devastated that now they only guest on the show. But it’s awesome seeing them on the big screen where they shine even brighter. In THE SKELETON TWINS they take talent to a whole new level tackling layered, complex roles and dramatic situations (like suicide, career failures and adultery) with creativity and expertise.
People say that comedy actors are really smart (Lisa Kudrow/Vassar, Jenny Slate/Columbia, Sasha Baron Cohen/Cambridge) because their brains are so creatively quick. Watch any Robin Williams interview to see how his train-of-thought is light-years ahead of the rest of us. It’s not a skill one can acquire, COMEDY is part of the DNA for the lucky ones. Lemme tell you after seeing Bill Hader and Kristen Wiig seamlessly dance back-and-forth from drama to dramedy — hitting every mark in every frame — I’m guessing that both of them are off-the-charts smart! Read the rest of this entry »