Archive for the ‘acting & career’ Category
Casting Directors: Feedback
CASTING DIRECTORS (CD’S) are just PEOPLE, right? At least that’s what I keep trying to remind myself. And like People, some get you, some don’t. Usually I’m pretty good about getting “a sense”– but sometimes the perceptive part of my brain totally sabotages me.
I tend to walk into the room, and immediately get judge-y about Read the rest of this entry »
Facebook Fan Page = Bad Timing?
My Facebook Fan Page
Makes me feel a little– Read the rest of this entry »
Acting Tips on What to Wear
The Right Wardrobe is important–
in Films & TV (that reflect Real Life)
in Auditions for Films & TV (that reflect Real life) and
in Real Life.
First impressions
TV Pilot Season: Being Prepared
It’s a roller coaster ride of opportunities and BIG (nauseating) dips. It’s like any scary new door. You’ve got to walk through and–
Look your best,
Feel your best,
Be your best.
But, there’s only so much an actor can do.
Sometimes CD‘s and Producers aren’t even sure what they’re looking for, so it’s impossible for you to know. And sometimes even when they’re blown away by your performance, some Hot Read the rest of this entry »
Happy New Year Resolutions
Your wonderful blog comments have encouraged and inspired me to
Reach Higher.
Dream Bigger.
Expand My Personal and Professional Horizons. Read the rest of this entry »
Help Me Get My Act Together
I was just cleaning out a drawer that wouldnt close (well, I didnt exactly clean it, I just pulled some stuff out and tried to slam it shut but it wouldn’t.) And my life flashed before my eyes. My life in 2006. Actually, 2007.
Because I came across this list of resolutions I made on New Years Eve back then. Some things I did (yay!) and some things are… um — still a work in progress.
But I don’t want to open a drawer in 2012 (if we’re still around then) and find another disaster of a list from 2009. So this year I’m gonna do it differently. Read the rest of this entry »
Actors Taped on Network Test
Remember what it felt like in high school on the day of the SATs? You’d been prepping all year for this (maybe longer), private coaching (if you grew up in West LA) on the various techniques, taking PSATs periodically to get a rough idea, pumping yourself up to get into the right mind frame or better yet –
Knowing that with every right step you are that much closer to the college of your dreams… In this moment you have complete control over –
That’s what it’s like to make it to the Network Test for a TV pilot.
You’ve already:
- wowed the Casting Director at the pre-read
- gotten new notes
- impressed the director and producers in the second round
You’ve spent a day in a work session (with the director and the CD) where (if you’re lucky) you’re told “you’re in first position” (hush hush) going into the Test, and now all you need to do is produce one more time with confidence and specificity.
And it’s nerve wracking.
(Think Johnny Drama’s last audition on Entourage.)
Then… after sitting in a folding chair in the hallway for over an hour with 3 or 4 other actors competing for the same part, your nerves become almost palpable.
Palms start sweating – Read the rest of this entry »