Till Death Do Us Part…?

Love Bites

Love Bites

I love weddings.
I sometimes love vampires (I’m looking at you Rob Pattinson.)

Not so sure about the combo.  Check it out:

Sometimes Love Sucks

A bride in a coffin?

A hearse instead of a limo?

Pallbearers not bridesmaids?

A bite instead of a kiss?

What next —

A toast with Bloody Marys?

I love the month of Halloween as much (or more) as the next person but these Midwesterners have taken SCARY to a whole new level.

(And people think L.A.’s weird…!!)

You know how I feel about Reality TV (*cough*junk!*) But this I actually wouldn’t mind seeing.

What are you going to be for Saturday night?
And don’t tell me a Vampire Bride!

7 responses to “Till Death Do Us Part…?”

  • Amy:

    A Vampire Bride.

    Nah. Actually, a “Greek Goddess”. Pathetic, I know. I don’t even know which Greek Goddess I should call myself. But everyone at the Halloween party will be wasted by 8pm, so nobody will even give a shit about my costume. Yay.
    .-= Check out Amy´s latest: BRRRR. =-.

    • Evie...:

      @Amy Hi Goddess! NOT pathetic, and anything in a cute one-shoulder toga with some gold accessories will be fine (Wikipedia is our friend!) We’ll expect pictures (before the waste, please.)

      Great to see you guys here (Amy, you should get your gravatar.com and tie it to your gmail account and your hot headshot will show up here and anywhere, work it baby.)

  • I have to go with zombie this year — keeping it simple and traditional. Plus since I’m a smoker, I can make some freaky throat noises.

    But also, for Halloween parties in LA: stay away from driving through Hollywood unless you want to spend half the time in traffic…!
    .-= Check out nicopolitan´s latest: PermaMonday =-.

    • Evie...:

      @Nico Traffic is way worse in WeHo — Santa Monica Blvd. and the parade?! Forget it! I’ll be hanging at my Dad’s handing out candy till I find out about my ER shift… but Nico, do I HAVE to tell you why your smoking gives you scary zombie throat?? Post the pictures please!

  • Evie:

    Hey PT, thanks for coming by! Saturday, if the ER Dictator holds me to my volunteer schedule, I’ll be dressing as a hospital volunteer for Halloween — yuck. Maybe hit a party after my shift ends?

    Do you stay home and hand out candy?

  • P T:

    I’ve never dressed up for Halloween…LOL and I don’t think I’ll ever…
    What are you wearing on Saturday?
    .-= Check out P T´s latest: Hennessy And Coke =-.

  • This post was mentioned on Twitter:
    Vampire Wedding Anyone?

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