The Power of HOPE
I was feeling a little blue this week until suddenly, after sixty-nine days underground, a super rad space-looking capsule lifted 33 smiling miners out of the ground, reminding me and the entire world that —
Hope empowers us. It makes the impossible possible and at the very least it gets us through the days we’re afraid we can’t get through. And, just in case we aren’t “feeling it,” there are so many signs.
Hopeful Signs–
- a child learning to read
- a clear blue sky after a storm
- a second chance
- a yes
- a maybe
- a wish
- a spark
- a smile
- a first date
- a secret glance
- a surprise
- a single rose
- a sunflower
- a wagging tale
- rose-colored glasses
- a store opening
- a new home in the framing stage
- an engagement
- a babys first cry
- a fundraiser
- a dream
- the first time
- a mission
- a twinkle
- an invitation
- a discovery
- a magic wand
- a crystal ball
- rain after a dryspell
- a butterfly
- a twinkling star
- a full moon
- a Casting Director’s nod
- good news
- our heroes
What everyday signs of hope do you notice? I’m going to start noticing more because just making this list makes me feel more hopeful.
And since I’m feeling more hopeful, I’m pretty sure I’m gonna rock tomorrow’s Audition and make that Casting Director nod, big time! Ahaha!
[…] – HOPE This would have to be my Mom, the most half-full person I’ll ever know…right up till the end. […]