Good Acting: Getting a Callback

everything fits
The Actor’s Goal in EVERY Audition is to get a
It’s the green light that means,
(As Sally Field said in her Oscar speech) —
“You like me, You really really like me!”
Like any job interview where they ask you back for MORE,
Getting a CALLBACK is like —
Fitting into your favorite skinny jeans.
Getting an A on a final exam.
A freshly painted manicure.
Finding an awesome deal on eBay.
Getting the last piece of coffee cake at Starbucks.
Finding a piece of jewelry you thought you’d lost forever.
Finishing a five mile run.
A glass of champagne.
The smell of a new car.
Finding a 100 dollar bill in the street.
The smell of freshly baked cookies.
Flirting your way out of a speeding ticket.
Getting asked out on a date by your crush.
Hearing your favorite song on the radio.
Seeing a picture of yourself where you really look good.
The first sip of a milkshake.
Finishing a really good book.
Getting a refund check from the IRS.
“Cheers”-ing your friends at midnight of New Year’s Eve.
Finding yourself (the BEST part)!
(When you get asked back after an audition or job interview or anything you’re really trying to get, how does it make you feel? Let me know in the comments.)
Call backs are the worlds greatest invention. Although they do temporarily destroy my nervous system!
Auditions are so distressing (not a good week so far) – why oh why do we torture ourselves?
[…] Link: Audition Callbacks – Instant Gratification For Actors | Funny … […]
In my world, the equivalent of a callback is to win an account. Ah, the corporate world…
In any case, it is physical proof of awesomeness. Stoked for you for getting a callback! Let us know how it goes!
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Luv “Physical proof of awesomeness” (wish I’d thought of it) – & Thanks — I don’t want to talk to much about it and jinx it.