COURAGE: The True Superheroes

do it!
In the news this week: Teen activist Malala Yousafza is awarded the top human rights prize by the European Union! Will she win the Nobel Peace Prize next? My guess is “yes!” Malala is only sixteen but when she was fourteen she stood up to the Taliban, advocating the right of education for all children. Even an assassination attempt and a series of surgeries have not deterred her.

courage comes in all sizes
Whether Malala is on the Daily Show or addressing the United Nations, she’s articulate, forthright and wise way-way-way beyond her years. Hearing Malala’s melodious inflection, I am reminded of the optimism of Anne Frank and the dream of Martin Luther King. The courageous among us see the big picture clearly, regardless of age. They step into the fire willingly, courageously, superhumanly automatically.
“Comfort Zone” is NOT a Concern for the Courageous!
Last night I went to see CAPTAIN PHILLIPS (portrayed by Tom Hanks) another hero who sees himself as a regular guy. If Richard Phillips is a regular guy, tell me where to find more of them! In the film Captain Phillips faces his fears calmly, clear-headedly and intelligently. His goal is to protect his men and it informs his every move.

Captain Phillips
Where do the Malalas and Captain Phillips of the world draw their courage from? What makes Navy Seals jump out of the sky fearlessly to save others? Today’s L.A. Times talks about the clue to Einstein’s creativity due to the enormous size of his corpus callosum in his brain. Could there be something inside the courageous among us that’s just a little bigger and stronger than the rest of us? Maybe in the heart? Or Soul?
The subject of courage continually fascinates me. Whatever it is that makes some of us step into the unknown courageously for the benefit of others, it’s a gift to all of us, and I for one am GRATEFUL!