Posts Tagged ‘sucks’

I can’t turn it off!
Breaking up is even harder to do now that we have Social Media. Never before has it been soooo easy to torture yourself at the end of a relationship. No one needs to be Sherlock Holmes to sleuth around online 24/7.
CLICK CLICK CLICK you discover who and what your ex is doing. Ugh. (You probably get more information now that you have more free time, than you ever did when you were in the relationship.) It’s a nightmare of epic proportions! And a great way to stall the healing process with —
Ta Da! No closure! Never! Ever!
The “longing” is longer-lasting, the hurting, hurts more. You can’t heal, if you keep lifting the band-aid to peek.
And it’s soooo easy to peek at – Read the rest of this entry »
Pilot Season 2015 – 2 Early Trends (They don’t include me!)

It’s Pilot Season again: Yay, there’s OPPORTUNITY, but UGH I don’t fit the profile. White Blonds are an endangered species this Pilot Season! Seriously, this is NOT a joke!
Sure it’s great, and a long time coming, but it’s a trend I can’t figure out a way to be part of. In 2015 CDs are looking for leads that don’t look like anyone else. Ken Jeong will be playing a version of himself in ABC’s autobiographical “Dr. Ken.” (wish there’d be a medical comedy about about my life!) Whoopi Goldberg will co-lead opposite Jermaine Fowler in CBS’s multi-camera comedy, “Delores & Jermaine.” Mike Epps will be Uncle Buck in, yep you guessed it, ABC’s “Uncle Buck.” Orange is The New Black’s Laverne Cox will play a transgender attorney in CBS’s “Doubt.” Paula Patton (I loved her in Precious) will play a woman whose perfect life is torn apart on ABC’s “Runner” while Aunjanue Ellis will be going coming from The Help to needing help in ABC’s Terrorist Thriller “Quantico.” Behind the camera, Selma’s Ava DuVernay will be going from the big screen to the small screen for CBS’s civil rights drama, “For Justice.“
And — it’s almost as if I’m experiencing REVERSE AGEISM, because in 2015 —
Living in L.A. = Death of Romance

flowers aren’t even allowed
L.A. Pandemic! Yikes! L.A. Guys are coming down with the infectious slug that KILLS Romance! It’s devastating… DEV.A.STATING! Beeeeeeyond! I can’t even read the obits. Like young women everywhere — from Santa Monica to Burbank — I’m mourning silently… Say it ain’t so! But it is so — it’s sooooo so. The signs — they’re there…
The 5 Signs of Death in Romance
1. Loss of Appetite –
The GUY: “I’m not that hungry, wanna share something?”
The Girl (silent): “Too stingy to pay for two meals, huh?”
2. Labored Breathing –
The GUY: “Hey babe, wanna hook up?”
The GIRL (silent): “And why do I already feel fucked?” Read the rest of this entry »
Surviving PILOT SEASON 2014

OMG if one more Actor moves to L.A….
Full of opportunity, “Pilotzilla” (PILOT SEASON 2014) is frustrating, exhilarating, intimidating…
Casting choices are ridiculously unexplainable at times with hush-hush agendas happening behind the scenes. More and more and more and MORE it’s about getting names, Names, NAMES!
Not Meant-To-Be
After totally nailing an audition I was completely right for – (based on beyond-enthusiastic feedback from Producers and Casting) I lost out to another Actress who happened to be the daughter of famous Actress the Producers were trying to woo as the character’s mother. Things like that are so out of my control… Sigh… MOVE ON…
PILOT SEASON is its own Dystopian Universe
Odds are so stacked up against Actors, it’s almost like winning the Lottery! First you’ve gotta be on the list of acceptable actors the particular Network or Studio is willing to work with. Then you’ve gotta get through Auditions. You’ll read for the Casting Director (sometimes I’m lucky enough to bypass this step) and then if you get the Callback nod, you get to do it again in front of Producers — Read the rest of this entry »
Embarrassingly Unemployed

They say — “Timing is everything” but when is it gonna to be my time? The right time? Time to cash a paycheck? Booking a job is like an oasis – it seems like it’s right there in front of me…like I’m on theverge. But when I get closer it just vaporizes into a cloud of disappointment. I feel like I’m constantly letting down the people who care about me — the ones who believe in me… it totally sucks.
I keep trying to — Read the rest of this entry »
Volunteering in the Hospital – NEVER ASSUME
Working in the hospital has the side benefit of Sensitivity Training. I’m not referring to overcoming prejudices, though that’s certainly a big part of helping people. I’m talking about assumptions as in, do not make them. When I make them, they backfire. Learn from my mistakes.
Generalizations lead to Oops Moments —
Part of my job as an ER Volunteer is to take Patients in labor up to the 3rd Floor — the Floor for Labor and Delivery and Post Partum. It’s where we get to look through the windows and see all of those cutey-patooty-newborns in their first hours of life. And it’s a Floor where Patients usually get to take home more than just a hospital bill. For months whenever I’d meet people in the elevator going up to the 3rd Floor I’d say something like — Read the rest of this entry »
Frenemies: Stuck in the Past
You know how when you step on gum, you can’t get it completely off? Your favorite shoes are never quite the same because part of the yuck stays with you wherever you go? Like you’ve tarnished your sole?
That’s kinda how my soul feels about an school friend “B” who has now come back to haunt me where I volunteer in the ER. Six years have past, we’ve both become adults (supposedly) and the guy who came between us is probably in some residential facility, or wearing an orange jumpsuit or pumping gas in Oxnard. Clearly he’s not a part of her life or my life, but for some reason his past connection has had an indelible effect on our frenemy-ship. Sad… Read the rest of this entry »