Posts Tagged ‘Patient Care’

Man do things change! As many of you know, I volunteer at an ER at a big hospital in L.A.
When I started I didn’t want to be there — the blood…the yuck… the smells…
But after a while I started feeling the gratitude from patients and families as I’d try — Evie-style — to make their stressful experiences a little less stressful. Suddenly I wanted to do more, be there more, help people more… Things started to change… or was it me who was starting to change?
Working up-close-and-personal with doctors, nurses, EMTs, CPs, guards, clerks, environmental services, and administrators, I saw how hard they all worked in their shared goal to give the best patient care. I gained a new respect for them and what it took to be them.
Surprisingly, they started appreciating me too — or was it my chocolate chip cookies?
Courage In The Time of Coronavirus
But, now that Volunteers have been put on leave because it’s too dangerous to be there, I’m soooo worried about my ER family: Triage Nurse Anthony Chan, Charlayne my Supervisor (don’t tell her I said that), Miguel the ER Guard and Dr. A... especially Dr. A… They’re all putting in in 12-16 hours a day, with a shortage of PPE, surrounded by Covid 19 germs…
From time-to-time I post about the heroes among us — ordinary humans who do extraordinary things in the life-threatening situations.
Little did I know that I’d know some…, in the scariest of situations in the scariest of times… they’re so vulner… I hope they’ll… I can’t even…