Posts Tagged ‘h-h-help!’
A Girl’s Essentials (part 2, skincare)
A priority in the Evie Stewart Lifelong Quest for the Perfect Beauty Products is maintaining a camera-ready complexion. This is a never-ending challenge to put it mildly, particularly at certain times of the month, ugh!
And, technology puts even more pressure on an actress’s need to– Read the rest of this entry »
Help Me Get My Act Together
I was just cleaning out a drawer that wouldnt close (well, I didnt exactly clean it, I just pulled some stuff out and tried to slam it shut but it wouldn’t.) And my life flashed before my eyes. My life in 2006. Actually, 2007.
Because I came across this list of resolutions I made on New Years Eve back then. Some things I did (yay!) and some things are… um — still a work in progress.
But I don’t want to open a drawer in 2012 (if we’re still around then) and find another disaster of a list from 2009. So this year I’m gonna do it differently. Read the rest of this entry »
The (Hollywood) Scene
So the life of an actor is never predictable, always one surprise after another.
This morning I paid to get roughed up (Boxing class, you perv.)
I’m SO busy. (No spin class for the Columbus holiday yesterday, and working last night’s pizza off, so I won’t go on my normal day tomorrow…)
Then I get big news: Read the rest of this entry »
A Girl’s Essentials (part 1, hair)
So, as an actress, a blonde, a fashionista, a GIRL — I’ve obviously been on what feels like a life-long quest for the perfect beauty products. Ideally, good and expensive don’t have to go hand in hand, but I’ve spent an obscene amount of money to prove that to myself. And it’s true, some looks don’t have to cost $$$ to be fabulous.
There are a few times where you should just cough up the money and look at it as an investment. I mean, you really can’t put a price on perfectly imperfect hair, or a flawless “non-makeup” complexion that may in fact, involve 15 different products and a solid half hour of skillful application.
My vanity homework = your beauty resource
I HATE Google Alerts
Will is such an ass he thinks it’s funny, but in less than 24 hours, I’ve managed to get a career’s worth of
bad press.
I think I’m keeping the sucking tabloids in business…
What, the trades need a bailout so they gotta target me?!
Hell, the Calendar section — Nikki Finke — Perez Hilton — !?!
O! M! G!
Could we get a little stock market crash or tsunami or asteroid attack
— to get the 24 hour news cycle off me?!
“Breaking News” and it’s MY CAREER THAT’S BREAKING!!!
It’s in/sane… No phone, no going outside, Josh says to stay away from the windows, I hope dad doesn’t… oh god…– and screw TV, I’m unplugging everything, cuz this Google Alerts experiment is going crazy with the news…
Am I doing this right?
Yes it’s pretty easy like they said,
sure it’s kinda personal and even feels good sometimes, but there’s so much to be unsure about…
I hate not knowing.
I like to hear “cut, print it!” and “good work, moving on!” and even applause when we’ve got a studio audience. But this is like acting in outer space.
Anyone out there? (Gotta be, right?)
But I’ll get the hang of it, even without a director, or an audience, kinda like improv — you’re out on a ledge, you never know if they get it…
wanna be my scene partner?
(And where’s the script?!)
I’ve managed to learn on the fly before… that pretty much sums up my career to date!
So — uh — guess I’ll come back when I’ve got something to say.
(Did it feel like this when you started?)
Fear of blogging
The blog.
The first problem I have is just the word blog itself. Does that word really encourage people to want to write? To be creative? To share? Blog blog blog. The more you say it, the more you hate it. Sounds like it should be the name of like a dirty pond or a growth on your foot. But regardless, Josh says blog, so here I go… blogging. (Doesn’t the word make you want some mouthwash?)
Perhaps it’s not the word that upsets me, but more the idea of actually intentionally sharing my thoughts with someone, be it a stranger or someone I actually know. I mean, at this point in my life…
Sorry, I lost my train of thought when I looked down at my mom’s Cartier LOVE bracelet and saw a scratch that looked like the side of a car after someone keyed it. I just finished doing the dishes and I gasped thinking that I might have scraped it across the sink in my rare moment of productivity.
Thankfully it was just a blonde hair stuck to the wet bracelet.
Whew! Close one.
I almost let it out…
EDIT — Hey, thanks JA! Nice picture you found for me. So once you tell me how to do that, it’ll liven things up around here, no?