Posts Tagged ‘find the funny’


one, two, three, you can do it!

one, two, three, you can do it!


Tonight was epic! Life-altering! Out-of-body!

I witnessed a BIRTH! Not in the movies. Not in my imagination. It was almost in the Hallway! Uh-huh, things were happening that fast!

Rewind —

Earlier on my ER Shift it’s busy-busy — but there are four Volunteers (including Mira and me) so no one seems to mind when I wheel a moaning OB Patient up to Labor and Delivery and never come back.

When Duty calls…

“Red” the OB patient (with ridiculously curly red hair) wobbles in from her Uber, nervous, excited and very much ALONE! In one swift move I grab a wheelchair, plop her into it and ring L & D to let them know we’re on our way up —

In the elevator Red starts blowing in through her nose, out through her mouth –”oooooou, aahhhhh” when the elevator operator asks “When are you due?”

Red’s face scrunches, reddens, she looks like she’s about to burst and WAILS  —

Now—-owwww! Ow-ow-owwwww!

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Living in L.A. = Death of Romance

flowers aren't even allowed

flowers aren’t even allowed

L.A. Pandemic! Yikes! L.A. Guys are coming down with the infectious slug that KILLS Romance! It’s devastating… DEV.A.STATING! Beeeeeeyond! I can’t even read the obits. Like young women everywhere — from Santa Monica to Burbank — I’m mourning silently… Say it ain’t so! But it is so — it’s sooooo so. The signs — they’re there…


The 5 Signs of Death in Romance

1. Loss of Appetite –

The GUY: “I’m not that hungry, wanna share something?”
The Girl (silent): “Too stingy to pay for two meals, huh?”

2.  Labored Breathing –

The GUY: “Hey babe, wanna hook up?”
The GIRL (silent): “And why do I already feel fucked?” Read the rest of this entry »




It’s another Monday-Monday, so let’s start off this week half-glass full! K?

  1. Get-up, gulp, and go for it!
  2. Appreciate each step forward!
  3. Do a lot better!
  4. Push yourself more, more, more!
  5. Focus on the good, the goofy and the giggles!
  6. Laugh before you leap!
  7. Deep breath — now jump off the old, land in the new!
  8. Think creatively!
  9. Be your own wand — make your own magic!
  10. Find the funny, even when it hurts!
  11. Embrace your stick-to-itiveness!
  12. Believe it will happen!

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A Personal Letter to Jason Katims: The HEART of TV


Dear Jason Katims:

Though we’ve never met, I feel like I kinda know you – at least your inner warm and fuzzy, touchy-feely parts.

FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS and PARENTHOOD, are amongst my faves-forever and your newest, ABOUT A BOY is worming its way into my heart.

I don’t know how you do it, but with every episode you manage to make me laugh-cry or cry-laugh as I empathize with your lovingly-flawed, fully fleshed-out characters. They’re all so heart-achingly honest and really, really, real — especially the tough-but-tender. So no matter how many times they fall, I’m there waiting with a net.

And don’t get me started on the Bravermans. I mean, I feel like they’re Family I love them all so much! Julia, Sarah and Kristina are my soul-sisters. Adam’s the big brother I wish I’d had. Camille’s my mom (if she’d lived longer). Though some of the situations may feel too-close-for-comfort (like family members with cancer or letting go of someone you love) you show me that we do get through it, no matter how hard it feels.

And ABOUT A BOY just keeps getting better and better. I now know that at the end of every episode there’s gonna be a lump-in-my-throat moment, whether the scene takes place on a diving board or toilet. Marcus and Will are 2014’s “Odd Couple.” They’re delicious! When it comes to characters, you know all the best flavors.

Marcus and Will

Marcus and Will

Your taste in casting is impeccable. I fell-in-love-at-first-sight with Tim Riggins, Vince Howard, Crosby B. and Will Freeman — I mean, you had me before they said “hello”. Read the rest of this entry »

HEART BEATS – Evie Stewart’s Valentine’s Playlist 2014


Banksy's heart-on

Banksy’s heart-on

It’s almost February 14th — UGH!

That means:
PRESSURE if you’re in a Relationship. DEPRESSION if you’re not.

It’s the HOLIDAY of unrealistic EXPECTATIONS and humongous DISAPPOINTMENTS (so fun!) —
Wait… isn’t that just about my every day?


So uhm, while you’re trying to bribe the hostess at that fully-booked “romantic” restaurant and feeling kinda forced to express yourself, why not take time to listen to my Valentine’s Day Songlist? Who knows, maybe it’ll help put you —

In The Mood — 


Flume – This Song Is Not About a Girl

Andrew Ripp – Falling for the Beat

Roberta Flack – The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face

Haim – Honey & I Read the rest of this entry »


try it, you might like it : )

try it, you might like it : )

OMG I’m an Actor! So why is “Acting” NORMAL the hardest acting job in the universe? Why does it feel so out-of-body the moment I walk into “The Room?” I can be charismatic at the cleaners, where Mr. Chin thinks I’m hilarious; I’m totally in sync with Julio who makes the best Ice Blendeds at Starbucks;  but when I see a Casting Director in an AUDITION, it’s like I experience “white coat syndrome” only it’s with “deciders”, not doctors!  Seriously, my pulse goes bananas and I just wanna split.

Niles, my hairstylist/bff/therapist/family surrogate has been helping me un-psyche-myself-out  — I don’t need to worry about my performance, according to my kindest critic, because I always have that down.  BUT I need to WOW them with my confidence and charisma — specifically during my entrance and exit into “The Room.” (Can someone please just write those lines for me? — Is there a Coach for that? Or something I can Google?)

So…last week my Agent Josh sent me sides for a guest part on a family cable show — for a hottie, late 20’s, who’s trying to seduce someone’s Dad  (I know-I know,  that’s what they call “Family Entertainment” these days)…  Anyway, after I coached for the Audition, I called Niles for moral support and he said — Read the rest of this entry »



  1. Go on a HOUSE CLEANSE on the 31st  (Mop up the old mess so you can make room for the new mess.)
  2. LUG YOUR LUGGAGE around the block – (Packed with the the things you’ll need on your “Dream Vacay”.)
  3. GRAB THE GRAPES — (In-between midnight hugs and kisses eat 12 of them, making a wish with each of the 12 months to come.)
  4. CARRY CASH at midnight – (For prosperity in the New Year… and while we’re on that subject…)
  5. Put a GOLD RING in your Glass for the promise of riches — (But be sure you don’t swallow it, because that’ll insure a trip to the ER instead — which is so not where you’ll want to be on New Year’s Eve, trust me)! Read the rest of this entry »
Sentenced to volunteer at Greater L.A. Medical (GLAM!) Hospital... I'm on-call in my worst nightmare -- ?!
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