Posts Tagged ‘find the funny’
Carving A Pumpkin is a lot like acting!
Pumpkins and Actors have a lot in common… more than our BIG HEADS!
Please don’t squash our egos. It makes us feel pretty rotten.
HALLOWEEN & the Scary Job Market!
October 31st feels frightening, even if you’ve got a job. BUT… if your next gig is as invisible as a ghost, get CREATIVE! When the door creeps open, step into the unknown.
Last Thursday I go to a BIRTHDAY DINNER for my firecracker-sports-agent-cousin-Jaimie at that new SBE (Katsuya group) restaurant next to Dan Tana’s: Mercato di Vitro. As I pull up, I’m relieved to see that Kirsten Dunst’s Prius is even dirtier than mine. I head over to a table covered with family style platters of Artichoke Chips, Hen of the Woods Whatever, Buffalo Mozzarella, Osso Bucco, Primi Pastas…FUN, FATTENING and DELICIOSO!
Unexpected Opportunities for the Unemployed!
During dinner Jaimie starts stressing about not having enough time to get her “Holly Go Lightly” ensemble together before the Soho House Saturday Night Halloween Party. She asks what I’m gonna be —
Your Halloween Stylist! Read the rest of this entry »
Monday Inspirations

do-over days
There’s something about Mondays that feels like a FRESH START – kinda like January 1st when the New Year is in front of us. We leave last week’s pity party behind and FIND THE FUNNY in last week’s disaster.
Mondays inspire us, encourage us and motivate us to — Read the rest of this entry »
Hearing Voices or Am I Just Getting a Headache?

dr. crush
You think you know what you want. But what if you got it, would you even want it? Would you even know what to do with it? What if you blow it? What if you make the most of it? What if you’re not sure, but you’re willing to take some risks?
Is it the right time or the wrong time? Are you just biding time, because you’ve got time on your hands? Maybe it’s because he’s hands-off, unavailable like so many guys. So it’s the chase, not the win you can’t shake.
Think about your real life — the one you almost had — the one you’ve been working for. You know, the one that’s on hold right now. Maybe he’ll hold you back from your hopes and dreams. What about living the dream? Maybe he’s just a dream. What if it’s a nightmare ending? Maybe he’s not all he seems. Maybe he’s so much MORE! Winners are better than wannabes, right? But are you a loser if you wannabe with a winner? Will you feel less if he’s more? Read the rest of this entry »
SOOOOO many shows! Not enough time to watch them all. But here are two getting a lot of BUZZZZZ…

funny femmes
With the exception of THE GOOD WIFE, CBS isnt a network I usually watch a lot. But this season Im tuning in more now that Ashton has gotten me hooked on TWO AND A HALF MEN, followed by a new fave-in-the-making: TWO BROKE GIRLS.
Watching Kate Dennings (Max) and Beth Behrs (Caroline) bounce lines off of each other is like watching a great game of tennis, with both athletes playing at the top of their game. Maxs tough cookie with a heart of mush takes pity on Caroline the homeless heiress with a passion for positivity (my mom would love her!) Read the rest of this entry »
FINDING THE FUNNY — Even when you get pulled over!

not the time to cop an attitude
Are you Half-Full?
My mom was (even to the end). And she really-really tried to pass her look-on-the-bright-sideness to me. I thought about her A LOT on Friday…
Lucky or Unlucky, depending on how you look at it.
It’s a typical I’ve-planned-too-many-things-Friday when I realize traffic isn’t cooperating. The thing is, since they started construction on the 405 (which seems like for.ever ago) there’s no way to know how long it’ll take to go anywhere in this city! I get up early and head to the Westside, because I’m addicted to Steve Ross’s classes at Maha Yoga and the juice cleanses from Pressed Juicery at 26th & San Vicente.
Feeling mellow after class and carrot-coconut juice I figure I’ve got plenty of time to make it to my Acting Class in West Hollywood. WRONG! Heading east, there’s gridlock everywhere. Sunset’s backed-up. Wilshire’s backed-up. So I end up driving through the residential streets – meaning stop sign to stop sign — through Westwood, then Beverly Hills — and that’s where I realize I’m running out of time. So I sorta scoot through one intersection, forgetting to yield to the guy in the truck to my left. Oops! Two blocks and multiple flashing-lights later I get BUSTED! Read the rest of this entry »
INFOLIST: Oh, the possibilities…

stay open
Do you know about INFOLIST?
If you live in L.A. and you’re in or wanna be in: “The Business”– chances are you get emails from INFOLIST. It’s a free fun service that notifies you regularly about entertaining opportunities (NOT solicitations).
Right now for instance, you’ll see postings for—
- “fitness models wanted”
- “everyday people who love to dance (with crazy dance moves) wanted for national telecom commercial — huge pay!”
- “a Jeff Goldblum Concert”
- “a red carpet party with the SONS OF ANARCHY cast”
- “casting opportunity for a newborn baby on PRIVATE PRACTICE” Man, actors are getting younger and younger! Soon they’ll be casting embryos!
You Never Know What You’ll Respond To —
I’m especially intrigued by: Read the rest of this entry »