Posts Tagged ‘conundrums’
Manners – Are They Extinct?
For quite a while I have been thinking that guys my age (and even ten years older) are generally pretty clueless about manners. My dad thinks it has to do with Gloria Steinem and the women’s lib movement confusing guys. Since he was raised Old School (the good way), Dad still — Read the rest of this entry »
Help Me Get My Act Together
I was just cleaning out a drawer that wouldnt close (well, I didnt exactly clean it, I just pulled some stuff out and tried to slam it shut but it wouldn’t.) And my life flashed before my eyes. My life in 2006. Actually, 2007.
Because I came across this list of resolutions I made on New Years Eve back then. Some things I did (yay!) and some things are… um — still a work in progress.
But I don’t want to open a drawer in 2012 (if we’re still around then) and find another disaster of a list from 2009. So this year I’m gonna do it differently. Read the rest of this entry »
Silent Running*
The Ocean is one of the best things about living in L.A.
And bright, clear, warm Fall days is one of the other best things about living in L.A.
I run at the ocean from time to time. I drive all the way to the stairs at Ocean Avenue and walk down to the bike path; from there I just go north. North is prettier than south (as far as I’m concerned).
I do love the Ferris wheel…
…but the Santa Monica Pier just gets a little chaotic for me.
So I run to the right where there are fewer people/buildings/distraction. Just ocean, sand, me, and my iPod. Read the rest of this entry »
Actors Taped on Network Test
Remember what it felt like in high school on the day of the SATs? You’d been prepping all year for this (maybe longer), private coaching (if you grew up in West LA) on the various techniques, taking PSATs periodically to get a rough idea, pumping yourself up to get into the right mind frame or better yet –
Knowing that with every right step you are that much closer to the college of your dreams… In this moment you have complete control over –
That’s what it’s like to make it to the Network Test for a TV pilot.
You’ve already:
- wowed the Casting Director at the pre-read
- gotten new notes
- impressed the director and producers in the second round
You’ve spent a day in a work session (with the director and the CD) where (if you’re lucky) you’re told “you’re in first position” (hush hush) going into the Test, and now all you need to do is produce one more time with confidence and specificity.
And it’s nerve wracking.
(Think Johnny Drama’s last audition on Entourage.)
Then… after sitting in a folding chair in the hallway for over an hour with 3 or 4 other actors competing for the same part, your nerves become almost palpable.
Palms start sweating – Read the rest of this entry »
Fake or Real, it’s All Bloody
Unfortunately since no one else wants to volunteer on Halloween (shocker, right?) I get stuck with the Saturday 9PM to 1AM shift. So sadly this year I’ll be dressing as an…
A N N O Y E D V O L U N T E E R!
It’s a hella scary outfit — when I see myself in a reflection, it totally freaks me out!
What’s even more scary is Read the rest of this entry »
I Miss Rachel
The first thing I put up on my freshly painted bedroom wall when I moved in, was a square piece of art with the word “kaboom” written on it in neon colors – and sparkles of course.
This little gem was a gift from my best friend and soul mate, Rachel, who moved away from Los Angeles to go live a normal and peaceful life — a non-actress life — Read the rest of this entry »
Changing the Channel to Community Service
I really like Joel McHale’s new series ‘Community’ (except that, no offense, I so should be playing Britta), so I’m online looking for some of the extras when I find this instead —
This article called “Community service as a TV theme” on today that talks about all of the networks spotlighting giving back, Read the rest of this entry »