Posts Tagged ‘conundrums’

My 40 Song Faves: Currently

Since there are SO MANY songs to love,  I’m calling this–
my fave list– currently

Undoubtedly, there will be Read the rest of this entry »

Half-Full vs. Half-Empty

How do YOU see it?

How do YOU see it?

Seems like the world is filled with two kinds of people:
the ones who look at the bright side,
and the ones who acknowledge the dark side.

So are we talking– Read the rest of this entry »

Casting Directors: Feedback

facing fears

facing fears

CASTING DIRECTORS (CD’S) are just PEOPLE, right? At least that’s what I keep trying to remind myself.  And like People, some get you, some don’t. Usually I’m pretty good about getting “a sense”– but sometimes the perceptive part of my brain totally sabotages me.

I tend to walk into the room, and immediately get judge-y about Read the rest of this entry »

Love Hurts: ER Drama


I’m the first to admit that unexpected hotspots can be sizzly, but after last night in the ER, I’m going to be a lot more cautious in that particular creative department, though you’d think I would’ve learned that lesson by now (oops!) Read the rest of this entry »

Wardrobe Recycling Part 2:

ebay letters

I find myself living the life “in-between” (auditions, romance, a JOB,) so I need to create ways to Read the rest of this entry »

Valentines Night: Quick Report

heartSo, I think the cake went over well. Read the rest of this entry »

Valentine’s Day

Be Brave.
Step Up.
S U R P R I S E Someone Special.

After all, It’s February 14th.

Take a chance.
I am!

the way to his heart?

the way to his heart?

Sentenced to volunteer at Greater L.A. Medical (GLAM!) Hospital... I'm on-call in my worst nightmare -- ?!
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