Posts Tagged ‘Acting Lessons’
I’m OBSESSED — Gotta get outta town

but, Jon — that was then, what about now?
I don’t even recognize myself. My brain has been invaded by CNN and I’m feeling a little insane. Gotta get out of L.A. and away from the NEWS. It’s on in the background at all times — day and night. It’s like I live at an old person’s place! But it’s my place. OMG!
The news is EVERYWHERE —
It’s on at the hospital… and it’s on at my dentist’s office… and where I take my care to be serviced… and in my car. Oh. Okay, yeah, I can’t help myself. I feel like I’ll miss something — like the world coming to an end or the impeachment announcement. I really do need to experience the impeachment announcement IRT. And I’m not the only one I know who’s suddenly obsessed with politics. EVERYONE I know is obsessed. OBSESSED! When it’s between Scandal and a real-life scandal, we now watch Rachel Maddow. It’s riveting TV. RI.VET.ING.

CDs can’t read your mind, or can they?
Meanwhile back to my So-Called Life —
I’ve been going through the motions with auditions where they’re uninterested in me and I’m uninterested in them. With Casting Directors you can easily tell. It’s all in their body language. Like it’s probably in mine. I know, I know. But… I’d be psyched for challenging projects…exciting projects… projects that would make me feel proud to be an Actor. But those are few and far between. At least for me… these days.
Nothing WOWs me lately. Dr. Crush called me twice and texted me three times last week, and I didn’t feel nervous at all. No butterflies. I feel like I’m living in a fog… Read the rest of this entry »
And Justice For All: Good News

growing stronger!
Phew! There actually are checks-and-balances protecting U.S. citizens (and Actors!) I’m heartened by a few examples this week.
A glimmer of light, at least for now —
First and most famous is the public way our “No Rules” President learned that uhmmm… there actually are rules… And that it might be wise to stop insulting judges like the courageous Judge Robart and start respecting the separation of powers because in some cases other powers like the 9th Circuit Appeals Court are getting the last word. At least for now. Now until Trump drafts a new ban to announce next week, and we all get back on the roller coaster.
What I’m most pleased about this week is that true Americans on both sides of the aisle continue to investigate charges of collusion between Team Trump and Russia… during the election and after the election. It’s looking more and more like this was a carefully choreographed plan to elect Trump, partner with Russia and implement whatever the hell Putin and Trump want.
This week Trump’s beyond-controversial Security Advisor Michael Flynn changed his story about discussing sanctions with the Russian Ambassador… coincidentally on the same day President Obama announced them, followed by Russia changing its response to Obama’s sanctions from “We will reciprocate.” to “Uh, maybe not at this time.” Now all of the “fake news” organizations are reporting this: CNN, The New York Times, The Washington Post. It’s been an eventful week. Oh yes, Mr. President. Read the rest of this entry »
Exploiting Actors: A New Low
An alarming article, “Actors: ‘It’s So Easy to Exploit Them’ in the April 8th Hollywood Reporter sheds light on a disturbing and accepted new practice in our morally ambiguous industry. Actors are now paying thousands of dollars for the privilege of auditioning in front of casting directors — aka “taking workshops” — with ‘students’ “landing jobs everywhere from ABC to Hulu.”
According to the HR,
“More than two dozen companies offer more than 450 sessions of these “workshops” in a month’s span during pilot season – that many in the industry presume the practice is entirely aboveboard.”
Is The Casting System Ethically Sinking ?!
It’s not above board. In California exchanging money for the prospect of employment is I L L E G A L !
The Krekorian Talent Scam Prevention Act outlaws workshops and casting directors from charging or attempting to charge an artist for an audition or employment opportunity.
Why is Everyone Looking The Other Way?
Why isn’t anything being done? Why are SAG-AFTRA and the Casting Society of America powerless? Why are cost-conscious networks and studios cutting their casting allowances and allowing this illegal practice to flourish? Read the rest of this entry »
Drama Drama Drama — Strong Women in Film
Drama, the good kind, is where it’s at in film right now. Some of the best new DRAMAS focus on strong, resourceful, complicated WOMEN characters, driven by PURPOSE. Couldn’t happen at a better time — just as Hillary Clinton forges ahead in the Presidential campaign. Go Hillary!
Amazing Actresses like CAREY MULLIGAN, BRIE LARSON and CATE BLANCHETT haunt and inspire us in powerful performances that make a difference. These women and the characters they portray challenge us to do better and be better in our own lives.
Carey Mulligan is a Standout in Suffragette
Carey Mulligan’s passionate “Maud Watts,” a political innocent, factory-working wife/mother is radicalized by events and moved by real-life feminist activist, Emmeline Pankhurst, as she sacrifices what most of us never could, in order to make the world a fairer place for women. Parts of Mulligan’s performance are almost too painful to watch, as she experiences torture and tragedy in her sacrifice for Women’s Rights. The list of dates at the end, displaying where and when Women have won the right to vote is shocking because in our country we take this right so for granted.
I Predict An Oscar in Brie Larson’s Future —
Brie Larson’s “Ma” is the ultimate survivor as she protects her son’s innocence after hers has been stolen. Five-year-old Jack’s entire world is an eleven-foot shed where he lives with his mom, yet he has no idea that it’s a bad place or that he and his mom are being held captive by his father who’s his mother’s rapist. I saw the film over two weeks ago, yet the trailer still brings tears to my eyes. Read the rest of this entry »
BILLY & BILLIE Keeps Getting Better & Better

“stepping” into the unknown
I never was a Neil LaBute fan before. Never-ever. I even gave away my NLB play tickets at the Geffen. He was too misogynistic for me, too cruel in his POV.
So imagine my surprise when I got sucked into the trailers for Billy & Billie. Yep, Neil LaBute tempted me with his half-cracked ROM COM about step-siblings who try to navigate their taboo romance. Awkward.
Yep, it’s Awkward. meets Modern Family —
And everything about it is Awkward! and Modern. It’s very real and really good, starting with the casting and acting. Adam Brody is the grounded, cool-but-hot Billy. If he were my brother, I’d be attracted to him too! Oh yeah!
Raunchy & Romantic —
Lisa Joyce is his sexy-but-slightly-insane step-sister, Billie. Joyce’s Billie reminds me of almost all of my friends right before they get their period. She blurts out uncensored thoughts constantly, never stopping to process. Billie is crudely charming, protectively daring and infuriatingly adorable. So far B&B have been keeping their relationship a secret, but that’s about to change… Read the rest of this entry »
Pilot Season 2015 – 2 Early Trends (They don’t include me!)

It’s Pilot Season again: Yay, there’s OPPORTUNITY, but UGH I don’t fit the profile. White Blonds are an endangered species this Pilot Season! Seriously, this is NOT a joke!
Sure it’s great, and a long time coming, but it’s a trend I can’t figure out a way to be part of. In 2015 CDs are looking for leads that don’t look like anyone else. Ken Jeong will be playing a version of himself in ABC’s autobiographical “Dr. Ken.” (wish there’d be a medical comedy about about my life!) Whoopi Goldberg will co-lead opposite Jermaine Fowler in CBS’s multi-camera comedy, “Delores & Jermaine.” Mike Epps will be Uncle Buck in, yep you guessed it, ABC’s “Uncle Buck.” Orange is The New Black’s Laverne Cox will play a transgender attorney in CBS’s “Doubt.” Paula Patton (I loved her in Precious) will play a woman whose perfect life is torn apart on ABC’s “Runner” while Aunjanue Ellis will be going coming from The Help to needing help in ABC’s Terrorist Thriller “Quantico.” Behind the camera, Selma’s Ava DuVernay will be going from the big screen to the small screen for CBS’s civil rights drama, “For Justice.“
And — it’s almost as if I’m experiencing REVERSE AGEISM, because in 2015 —
OVER-SHARING: You Can’t Take It Back
Why do we think it’s necessary to tell EVERYBODY everything? We do it on Facebook, on Instagram, in emails, and texts — on the phone, on Twitter, at the market and at the gym. Everywhere we go, when someone says “How are you?” we tend to give out TMI. Why inform the universe of our every thought and step? Have you noticed that once it’s out there, you can’t take it back?