Things That I Love: A Random List
Full Moons
Windy Days
A Freshly Painted Manicure
Old-Fashioned Christmas Lights
European Fashion Magazines
New Music Tuesdays
Popcorn and M&M’s
Anything Sparkly
Driving with a Freshly Made Playlist
Watching Great Guitarists Solo
Creating Custom Soundtracks in Bars with Jukeboxes
Toy Stores
Great Card Stores
Custom Keys
Personalized Ringtones
Room Service at a Fancy Hotel
Landing at LAX
Glow Sticks
Vanilla Scents
Old Family Photos (especially of my mom)
Magic Wands
New York City Shopping (when I have a job)
Anything with Hearts
Coincidences (because they mean life’s on track)
The Beach
Bravo TV
Antique Fairs
Soda from the Tap
Apple Pie
Shopping with Rachel
Molton Brown Bath Products
Any Starbucks (obv)
Gourmet Food Shops
Music Venues with History
Vintage Glass Sets
Polaroid Pictures
Anything That Lights Up
Interior Design
Houses with City Views
Houses with Ocean Views
Claude Debussy
Dying My Eyelashes
Station Wagons
Vinyl Records
Old Signs
Coca Cola Bottles
Old Fashioned Candy
Gold Jewelry
Sienna Miller
Gwyneth Paltrow
Children’s Books
Cool Store Windows
“Willy Wonka And The Chocolate Factory” (the original film)
Billie Holiday
Great Movie Soundtracks
Marc Jacobs
Watching Amazing Dancers
Shel Silverstein Poems
The Sound of An Old Library Book When You Open It
Winter Nights
Rainy Days
The Sky The Day After It Rains
Christmas Morning
Needlepoint Pillows
Trident Original Gum
Antique Purses
Halloween Costumes
Checking My Email
Nicknames Between Friends
Stylish Girls
Boys With Fresh Bed Hair
The Diamond Question Mark Pendant My Mom Left Me
Dancing To A Great Deejay
These are some of mine. What are some of yours? Let me know in the comments.
Well, as I might have said before on this blog, we love lists. 🙂
And if you think about it, if you read this post really quickly, it’s kind of like a poem about Los Angeles.
As for me? My heart belongs to my guitar.
.-= Check out nicopolitan´s latest: Robotics =-.
Ohhh, so you’re a good soul and a guitar player. Cool combination.