Identity Crisis in the ER

don't tell
Last night in the ER was actually funny in an OMG-this-could’a-turned-out-so-much-worse way!
An elegantly dressed 80-ish man (with his grandson) comes in asking to see his wife who was just brought in by the a paramedics. I ask the last name and go look it up on the computer. She’s listed in Bed 6. So I go there to ask her if it’s okay to bring back her husband. But she’s asleep — with a breathing apparatus — and I can’t see her very well. She’s a little overweight and looks a tad bit masculine to me, but I’ve heard that sometimes happens as women get older (ugh, kill me now!) Still I’m not sure (but we Piscean chicks are never sure.)
Working in the E.R. can be a little confusing!
So I go back to Triage and I ask the husband if his wife has short white hair. He tells me, “yes — she went to the hairdresser this week.” So I go –
This is weird, because I’ve never asked this before, but do you happen to have a picture of your wife?
The grandson pulls out his phone and shows me a picture of Nana (they’d just been out to dinner — celebrating something.)
I look at the picture and now see the similarities. Her white hair is short and she’s a little overweight. Yay. So feeling more confident, I tell the husband his wife’s asleep, but I’ll take him back.
I escort him to Bed 6 where he stares at her for what seems like a verrrrry long time. Then he whispers to me, “I don’t think that’s my wife.”
And I say —
It’s a MAN isn’t it?!
AWKWARD! Then, he nods and we both giggle.
He comes out and sees his wife next to Bed 6 in a hallway bed (ooohhh) and I put my finger up to my lips and whisper, “Don’t tell anyone what just happened”
As I walk away, he starts telling his wife the “funniest story” and I mouth –
Still, it coulda’ been SO much worse – like what if we’d walked into an exam of her “personal parts?!”
YIKES! It could’a been like the Crying Game or Hangover 2!