Fake or Real, it’s All Bloody
Unfortunately since no one else wants to volunteer on Halloween (shocker, right?) I get stuck with the Saturday 9PM to 1AM shift. So sadly this year I’ll be dressing as an…
A N N O Y E D V O L U N T E E R!

funny for Halloween; not funny for ER
It’s a hella scary outfit — when I see myself in a reflection, it totally freaks me out!
What’s even more scary is that Mira says it’s one of the busiest nights in the ER.
Here’s a little quiz:
Charlayne is keeping me on that schedule because:
- (a) it’s my court ordered community service
- (b) she’d already written the shifts and didn’t want to bother changing it
- (c) she didn’t want to get the “real” volunteers in on a holiday or else they’d quit
- (d) she’s trying to teach me a lesson
- (e) all of the above!
I KNOW I’m supposed to look on the bright side…
and find the funny in the suck…
and make the best of it… but — but —
…Well, actually… since a certain doctor seems more dedicated to the ER than a social life, I wonder if he’ll be working…?
Trick or Treat?