A SHOT OF HOPE: The Covid-19 Vaccine

help is here!
Great news! Volunteers at my hospital get to be in line for vaccinations. Yay!
I just filled out a “Covid-19 Vaccine Interest Questionnaire” answering questions like :
“Do you come in contact with patients where you’re less than 6 feet apart? YES.
“Do you work in areas where there are known active Covid-19 cases? YES.
Not sure how long the list is, but it’s exciting to be on it. Dr. A and Anthony Chan got the vaccine yesterday and feel great.
Hope it’s like the flu vaccine where it helps to relax your arm when you’re getting it to avoid later aches. Will do my best.
I told Charlayne I’m ready and excited to come back and help! It’s a weird feeling to want to come back, but I do. I really do.
Can’t wait to get my shot, haha!
So nice to have something to feel hopeful about. Boy do we need it!