COURAGE: Humble Heroes on a Train

badass! beyond hot!
Courage is something I think about a lot. As I’ve often said, we don’t know if we have it till we need it. So I’m in total awe of the fearless few who stand up for the rest of us in the face of enormous danger — like Spencer Stone, Alek Skarlatos and Anthony Sadler who tackled and disarmed a suspected Islamist militant shooting an AK-47 on a packed, high speed train bound for Paris on Friday.
Averting a massacre —
These three superheroes leaped from their seats and, as a team, restrained the shooter. Then Superman Spencer Stone, an Air Force paramedic who’d been slashed in the neck and thumb by the terrorist, without thought to his own injuries — saved the life of a passenger in critical condition, whose neck was squirting blood.

we just get one take!
We can already see the movie in our heads, but that’s the scary part. Danger is spontaneous and real. Very verrrrrrry REAL.
Life isn’t a Rehearsal, it’s a TEST —
— Spencer Stone, Alek Skarlatos and Anthony Sadler totally ACED theirs!
Hell yeah!
I’m in AWE.