Covid Aftermath – HUMANS ARE HURTING

KINDNESS is our secret weapon
Last week I heard very sad news. I’m still in shock. It doesn’t feel real. A friend, a fellow actor I know, I mean knew, ended his life.
It hurts too much to discuss details. And I want to protect his wife and child’s privacy… they’re devastated…
What I, what we, need to figure out is how to help all of the hurting humans in our country who are “on the verge” or already “acting-out” after nearly 15 months in isolation.
Covid did a number on all of us —
It’s no surprise that after all we’ve been through, we’re freaking-out and blaming one another other in crowds, on planes, at games and at home. So many of us are still stuck without a job, without security, without a way out. It’s a mental health nightmare that isn’t getting enough attention. Depression is rampant.
We’ve got to start connecting with each other, hearing each other, putting ourselves in each other’s shoes.

This was then…
I don’t know how humans handled the pandemic the last time. In 1918 they didn’t have TVs or cellphones, or computers. They couldn’t distract themselves with Zoom.
It sounds even worse than what we’ve experienced, but that’s hard to imagine…

…this is now.
If you or someone you know seems depressed or suicidal, or just has a few worrisome warning signs, do whatever you can to offer help.
We tried in the case of my friend. We got him into a facility, but his good acting may have fooled the professionals into thinking he was doing better than he was.
Suicide is one of those decisions you can’t take back, unfortunately. Questions go unanswered… the people you love most hurt the most, creating an open wound that lasts forever after…
Watch for Warning Signs —
Crisis Help —
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Thanks for reading. Take care of yourselves out there <3