Being Stuck

Now what?

Recently I was rushing to my ER shift (late as usual) and got into the WRONG hospital elevator. Wrong because for my first time ever, it wouldn’t open. Like many, I’d played out this scenario countless times before, wondering how I’d deal with it.

Would I:

  • Be Claustrophobic?
  • Be Panicky?
  • Calm others?

Actually my first thought was:

At least I’ll have a good excuse for being late.

Since there was no one else in there with me, calming others wasn’t necessary. I felt strangely calm myself – maybe because FEELING STUCK is a familiar state for me right now.

I pushed the Emergency Button, got a Hospital operator of some kind who told me help was on the way.  But then help didn’t come quite that fast and instead of hearing a human’s voice, I heard what sounded like a phone disconnect. EEE-ah EE-ah!

DISCONNECTED is kinda like —

Living in Limbo

It happens to all of us, right?

We get stuck

  • In our careers
  • In our search for true love
  • In discovering who we are

Spinning our wheels, but not going anywhere

WHAT IF we’re not supposed to worry about how to get UN-STUCK? Maybe BEING STUCK is a necessary part of life because it forces us to slow down, re-evaluate where we are and where we want to be — plus figure out how we’re gonna get there. Maybe it’s like  YIN/YANG or HAPPY/SAD  where you have to understand one to fully “get” the other. BEING STUCK is the polar opposite to MOVING FORWARD. So maybe it’s a necessary evil that we’re all supposed to experience.

stay calm

Getting back to the elevator:  after reflecting about being stuck for awhile, I saw an eensy crack between the elevator doors. So I used my own arms (and brain) to open up the doors and walk through.

It was kinda anti-climatic, but worked out for me, because I had my excuse for being late AND I felt empowered because I figured out how to move forward.

Obviously  I took the stairs the rest of the way — but first I called the Hospital Control Person to tell her what happened — and to  keep it from happening to someone else.

Now all I need to do is figure out how to get unstuck in my career, but that’s another post. Ahaha!

(what do you do when you’re stuck? please comment!)

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Sentenced to volunteer at Greater L.A. Medical (GLAM!) Hospital... I'm on-call in my worst nightmare -- ?!
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