Patrick Swayze’s Final Bow
So sad to read about Patrick Swayze on Twitter.
I was going to post about how I’ll never get to work with him, but when I started to type I realized how small that is… and it got me really thinking. His challenge was so enormous and he was extraordinarily brave. And strong, when he must have felt so weak. Helps put things into perspective… he wasn’t just acting, but it was a remarkable performance.
I guess no one knows if they’re courageous til they’re put to the test.
He gets an A+++.
Thank you, RIP.

Patrick Swayze – not just a pretty face
RIP Patrick Swayze. I will never forget your contribution to the industry. I must say that I really love his movie, “Ghost”. We will miss you.
i love it!
Patrick Swayze is an award winning actor and i admire him a lot. his fans would surely miss him.
Patrick Swayze was one of my favorite actors. i always watch his last television series which is The Beast.
Thanks Dad (who told you? Niles?!) this is just a work thing, nothing much to look at here. I mean we can just catch up over dinner, you don’t have to, I mean I like that you are there, it’s just not really for grandma or anyone okay?
Thanks Ron, that’s sweet but plugging in and signing on is about it for me. I’m sure Niles will pay for a hot cable guy to go to the salon to install. you should just call and order it. I’m SURE he’ll appreciate it!
Honey, never forget you’ve got courage in your genes.
Niles told us all that you were so hot on the web you were gong to come set up wireless at the salon for us so cmon over and wire us so we can blog with you from work since we’re all watching the tributes to Patrick, so sad.