Archive for the ‘feeling the pain’ Category
TMZ saves me the trouble of telling all the details…
Thanks to the paparazzi my career has been CANCELLED.
Pulled before it even aired.
Not Funny.
I HATE Google Alerts
Will is such an ass he thinks it’s funny, but in less than 24 hours, I’ve managed to get a career’s worth of
bad press.
I think I’m keeping the sucking tabloids in business…
What, the trades need a bailout so they gotta target me?!
Hell, the Calendar section — Nikki Finke — Perez Hilton — !?!
O! M! G!
Could we get a little stock market crash or tsunami or asteroid attack
— to get the 24 hour news cycle off me?!
“Breaking News” and it’s MY CAREER THAT’S BREAKING!!!
It’s in/sane… No phone, no going outside, Josh says to stay away from the windows, I hope dad doesn’t… oh god…– and screw TV, I’m unplugging everything, cuz this Google Alerts experiment is going crazy with the news…