Archive for the ‘feeling the pain’ Category

“trust me…”
Hollywood may’ve gotten a bad rap this past election year, but when it comes to negotiations, they’ve set a great example for “how its done.” After twisty-turny, last-minute negotiations, Hollywood is getting its happy ending!
Sadly, it’s not the same for Healthcare in America. After yesterday’s vote, when many of the Congressmen didn’t even take the time to read the bill they rushed to vote on —
They Took The Healthcare Crisis off LIFE SUPPORT!
The CHARACTER of our COUNTRY has sunk to a new low as House Republicans (mostly white men) gloated in the White House Rose Garden after passing a bill that takes away Healthcare for Americans, but gives Tax Breaks to wealthy donors and big corporations.
Disturbing on so many levels, if you have something wrong with you, it’ll cost you a lot more per year to deal with it. For instance it’ll cost over 140K annually for patients with metastasized cancer (as if their problems aren’t already overwhelming enough.) And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Read the rest of this entry »
I’m OBSESSED — Gotta get outta town

but, Jon — that was then, what about now?
I don’t even recognize myself. My brain has been invaded by CNN and I’m feeling a little insane. Gotta get out of L.A. and away from the NEWS. It’s on in the background at all times — day and night. It’s like I live at an old person’s place! But it’s my place. OMG!
The news is EVERYWHERE —
It’s on at the hospital… and it’s on at my dentist’s office… and where I take my care to be serviced… and in my car. Oh. Okay, yeah, I can’t help myself. I feel like I’ll miss something — like the world coming to an end or the impeachment announcement. I really do need to experience the impeachment announcement IRT. And I’m not the only one I know who’s suddenly obsessed with politics. EVERYONE I know is obsessed. OBSESSED! When it’s between Scandal and a real-life scandal, we now watch Rachel Maddow. It’s riveting TV. RI.VET.ING.

CDs can’t read your mind, or can they?
Meanwhile back to my So-Called Life —
I’ve been going through the motions with auditions where they’re uninterested in me and I’m uninterested in them. With Casting Directors you can easily tell. It’s all in their body language. Like it’s probably in mine. I know, I know. But… I’d be psyched for challenging projects…exciting projects… projects that would make me feel proud to be an Actor. But those are few and far between. At least for me… these days.
Nothing WOWs me lately. Dr. Crush called me twice and texted me three times last week, and I didn’t feel nervous at all. No butterflies. I feel like I’m living in a fog… Read the rest of this entry »
Proud of my Hospital / Embarrassed by my Country
It’s Amateur Hour in the White House as our new President blusters through his first week, one-impulse-at-a-time. The news causes so much stress and embarrassment, I find myself spending more time at the hospital volunteering in the ER to try to make up for the arrogant behavior coming from our highest office. When I can’t listen to the news a moment longer, I go to the the one place where I can treat people from all over the world fairly and kindly and at the very least show that we’re not all like Donald Trump. Read the rest of this entry »
From Hope to Nope

I can’t…
Wrong Is Right if You Don’t Get Caught
Inauguration Day / January 20, 2017
It’s a sad day when we’re forced to watch
our country’s dignity go down the drain.
The plug’s been pulled.
Rules no longer apply.
Winning at any cost is the mantra of the day.
Sorry, Mom — I can’t find the funny…
Evie Stewart’s Wishes for President Elect Donald Trump
President Elect Donald Trump
I wish you would…
- stop tweeting
- learn diplomacy
- stop antagonizing
- listen to your security briefs
- remove all sketchy advisors
- start healing the hurt
- thicken your skin
- represent all Americans
- overcome your flaws
- focus on doing well
- stop spreading fake news
- play to your strengths
- stop embarrassing us
- earn your new title
- become educated on world affairs
- cease secret calls with world leaders
- think before you speak
- learn who our enemies are
- become presidential
if only…
Scary News Alerts Suck!

more hugs less hate
The world is freaking me out! Anxiety levels are at an all time high. Between the pathetic and polarizing politics of Presidential campaigns, gun control debates and less-than-safe safety practices on college campuses, there’s no way to get relief. Can you imagine being in Orlando right now with all of the tragedy? Haters of love, death at Disney World, a singer gets stalked: Extremism, Alligators, Stalkers, Mosquitoes… it’s all too much.
Is Any Place Safe?
There’s no way to know what to be afraid of, so we might as well not be afraid of anything. I mean when Anton Yelchin gets killed in his own driveway by his own car, it makes you think why worry? We have no control.
Whatever’s gonna happen is gonna happen. We can’t predict when or why. If it’s our time, it’s our time.
Making The World Better
Exploiting Actors: A New Low
An alarming article, “Actors: ‘It’s So Easy to Exploit Them’ in the April 8th Hollywood Reporter sheds light on a disturbing and accepted new practice in our morally ambiguous industry. Actors are now paying thousands of dollars for the privilege of auditioning in front of casting directors — aka “taking workshops” — with ‘students’ “landing jobs everywhere from ABC to Hulu.”
According to the HR,
“More than two dozen companies offer more than 450 sessions of these “workshops” in a month’s span during pilot season – that many in the industry presume the practice is entirely aboveboard.”
Is The Casting System Ethically Sinking ?!
It’s not above board. In California exchanging money for the prospect of employment is I L L E G A L !
The Krekorian Talent Scam Prevention Act outlaws workshops and casting directors from charging or attempting to charge an artist for an audition or employment opportunity.
Why is Everyone Looking The Other Way?
Why isn’t anything being done? Why are SAG-AFTRA and the Casting Society of America powerless? Why are cost-conscious networks and studios cutting their casting allowances and allowing this illegal practice to flourish? Read the rest of this entry »