Archive for the ‘DIY’ Category
LABORS OF LOVE that might actually lead to something.

finding the right hook
It’s LABOR DAY – the day to honor workers. But if you’re out of a job, it’s a day to think about getting more creative about opportunities.
For Creatives in a glitch —
Here are three out-of-the-box opportunities (one deadline just passed, but it’ll still get you thinking) that could lead to MONEY or a FUN TRIP (who knows the trip could lead you to opportunities that could lead you to a job…) Read the rest of this entry »
Mom’s Thanksgiving Sweet Potatoes

Delicious Memories
Now that I’ve almost recovered from my Whole Foods fiasco with Owen, I’m getting in the Thanksgiving-cooking-mood. I still can’t bring myself to make a Turkey, because there’s just too much yucky gut-removal for me, but I can totally get into making the accompaniments.
When I was little I loved making Thanksgiving Sweet Potatoes with my mom. She’d call from the kitchen —
Little sweet potato — where are you hiding?
It’s mashing time! Read the rest of this entry »
On a Budget? DIY Gifts For Kids

#1 = Itchi
The Holidays are just around the corner — I’m not joking.
And birthdays keep showing up every year– LOTS of them!
It’s hard to be thoughtful and frugal at the same time —
We obviously need to be — C R E A T I V E.
Ever try to– Read the rest of this entry »
Chocolate Cake For the ER Staff
I LUV feeling appreciated and there’s nothing that gets me there quicker than taking something home-baked to the ER Staff. Seriously, food is the be-all-end-all. Tonight I put a Read the rest of this entry »
Do-it-Yourself Personalized Soundtracks

getting personal
If you’re looking for the Greatest Hits in terms of Gifts, I strongly urge you to make your own— Read the rest of this entry »