Archive for the ‘acting & career’ Category

The (Hollywood) Scene

So the life of an actor is never predictable, always one surprise after another.

This morning I paid to get roughed up (Boxing class, you perv.)

I’m SO busy.  (No spin class for the Columbus holiday yesterday, and working last night’s pizza off, so I won’t go on my normal day tomorrow…)

Then I get big news:  Read the rest of this entry »

Thought for the Day: Funny Agism

Just saw this at (it’s hard to keep up but I try!):

Reality TV Shows have dug themselves into a hole

According to Michael Schneider at “… primetime’s reality show pack is aging, and just about all of them are well past their peak.”


I know a lot of actors who’ll be happy to attend that funeral…

and I already have the perfect black blazer and boots.

burying some reality TV in style

burying some reality TV in style

But not all reality TV deserves to die… what shows are you addicted to? I’ll run a poll on it next week, let me know (then I’ll confess my own faves.)

A Dollar for the Swear Jar

“Arts, Briefly” is pretty much the only section of the New York Times (besides the headlines and crossword puzzle clues) that I read and my eyes lit up when I saw…

Language of ‘Saturday Night Live’ Cast Member Isn’t Ready for Prime Time

SNL cast member swears on national television, OOPS!

I guess The Daily Show with Jon Stewart (no relation, obvi) makes me forget swearing’s still a no-no on broadcast (and with kids in the cast of the Nick show, I never got into bad habits), but Read the rest of this entry »

Audition Recession ~or~ Top 10 Distractions

So things have been pretty slow lately. Few auditions. Even fewer that are actually projects I’d want to be part of. I spent the last few days agonizing over a script someone at my agency sent me that I thought was quite possibly one of the worst scripts I’d ever read. Here’s a picture of it:

relax - it's soap!

relax - it's soap!

The idea of going to Arizona to shoot this movie… Well, let’s just say there were tears shed. And more tears, and then a massive headache. And ultimately once I encouraged (begged) Josh to actually read the script, he agreed that the whole thing was stupid and it went straight into the trash.

Times like this call for small pleasures.

Things I can turn to for distraction from these trivial problems that haunt my every waking minute.

Here’s my top ten small things that bring me great pleasure when I need a break from my madness… Read the rest of this entry »

I HATE Google Alerts

Will is such an ass he thinks it’s funny, but in less than 24 hours, I’ve managed to get a career’s worth of

bad press.

I think I’m keeping the sucking tabloids in business…

What, the trades need a bailout so they gotta target me?!

Hell, the Calendar section — Nikki Finke — Perez Hilton — !?!

O! M! G!

Could we get a little stock market crash or tsunami or asteroid attack


— to get the 24 hour news cycle off me?!

“Breaking News” and it’s MY CAREER THAT’S BREAKING!!!

It’s in/sane… No phone, no going outside, Josh says to stay away from the windows, I hope dad doesn’t… oh god…– and screw TV, I’m unplugging everything, cuz this Google Alerts experiment is going crazy with the news…



Movie Premiere Pressure

Josh keeps telling me I’m about to break out.

And… I trust my agent, and I trust my director and I trust my co-stars but…

In just a few hours, a limo is picking me up —

And I’ll find out if it’s true.  If “about to” is now.

Everyone’s got a dream, right?

Will my BIG ONE come true? Is this it?
The series wasn’t it.
Getting cast in this movie wasn’t it.
Getting dressed for my premiere isn’t it —

My premiere — !  I LOVE saying that! Read the rest of this entry »

I LOVE Google Alerts!

I can’t believe I never knew about this till now. (Thanks, JA!)

Josh says it’s like like a clipping service from the old days, where you had to pay someone to find
all the newspaper stories and magazine articles written about you. Or, actually, the agency or studio did.

Whatever, Google Alerts is FREE! And you get em right now! That totally works for me because god knows I hate to wait. Read the rest of this entry »

Sentenced to volunteer at Greater L.A. Medical (GLAM!) Hospital... I'm on-call in my worst nightmare -- ?!
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