LABORS OF LOVE that might actually lead to something.

finding the right hook
It’s LABOR DAY – the day to honor workers. But if you’re out of a job, it’s a day to think about getting more creative about opportunities.
For Creatives in a glitch —
Here are three out-of-the-box opportunities (one deadline just passed, but it’ll still get you thinking) that could lead to MONEY or a FUN TRIP (who knows the trip could lead you to opportunities that could lead you to a job…)
Mix-Tape Revival
In today’s L.A. Times there’s an article about the huge success of FYF Fest’s Mix-tape contest. Promoters thought they’d get one hundred entries and they ended up getting six times that! Plus everyone got super creative and totally into the packaging and content. The winner got $500, five pair of tickets to the Fest and got to broadcast his/her mixtape between acts. Wish I’d known about it. Sounds like a cool op for aspiring DJs or anyone who loves music (doesn’t that include just about everyone on earth?)
“Sex and The Single Girl” Revival
For actresses looking for an off-the-beaten-path-gig, you can Audition For ‘Sex & The Single Girl’ Audiobook – via GalleyCat . Even though Cosmo’s Helen Gurley Brown just passed away, her work lives on. What worked for Natalie Wood in the feature, might work for you too! (I’m gonna check it out myself!)
Eating Healthy Revival
Pure Bar has a weekly contest where you can submit healthy vegetarian recipes and win a culinary trip to NYC and a year’s supply of Pure Bars! Each week they feature a new theme (This week the contest is for side dishes). It looks like they’ll be giving a way a lot of trips and gift cards to Whole Foods. Definitely check it out! You can test the recipes and feel good about it when you’re doing it.
I need to start working on the Evie Stewart Revival, but that’s all of the creative thinking I feel like doing today. Right now I’ve gotta prepare a big salad for this pot luck.
Well, maybe I’ll get creative about that…
Have an AWESOME Labor Day!