I’m OBSESSED — Gotta get outta town

but, Jon — that was then, what about now?
I don’t even recognize myself. My brain has been invaded by CNN and I’m feeling a little insane. Gotta get out of L.A. and away from the NEWS. It’s on in the background at all times — day and night. It’s like I live at an old person’s place! But it’s my place. OMG!
The news is EVERYWHERE —
It’s on at the hospital… and it’s on at my dentist’s office… and where I take my care to be serviced… and in my car. Oh. Okay, yeah, I can’t help myself. I feel like I’ll miss something — like the world coming to an end or the impeachment announcement. I really do need to experience the impeachment announcement IRT. And I’m not the only one I know who’s suddenly obsessed with politics. EVERYONE I know is obsessed. OBSESSED! When it’s between Scandal and a real-life scandal, we now watch Rachel Maddow. It’s riveting TV. RI.VET.ING.

CDs can’t read your mind, or can they?
Meanwhile back to my So-Called Life —
I’ve been going through the motions with auditions where they’re uninterested in me and I’m uninterested in them. With Casting Directors you can easily tell. It’s all in their body language. Like it’s probably in mine. I know, I know. But… I’d be psyched for challenging projects…exciting projects… projects that would make me feel proud to be an Actor. But those are few and far between. At least for me… these days.
Nothing WOWs me lately. Dr. Crush called me twice and texted me three times last week, and I didn’t feel nervous at all. No butterflies. I feel like I’m living in a fog…
Time for Fresh Ideas, Fresh Air, Fresh Snow
I’ve gotta reboot. Thinking of getting out of town and maybe flying to the Vail Film Festival to volunteer to soak up what creative, talented women filmmakers are doing…saying… projecting.. Maybe I’ll hang out with Christina Ricci, Julie Delpy and Katie Holmes. Maybe I’ll network. Maybe I’ll ski a few runs. I’ve gotta get back to feeling inspired about something.
Yep, soon as I finish this post I’m booking a flight for next weekend. Maybe I’ll see you there 😉