Help Me Get My Act Together

This chick needs a breakthrough
I was just cleaning out a drawer that wouldnt close (well, I didnt exactly clean it, I just pulled some stuff out and tried to slam it shut but it wouldn’t.) And my life flashed before my eyes. My life in 2006. Actually, 2007.
Because I came across this list of resolutions I made on New Years Eve back then. Some things I did (yay!) and some things are… um — still a work in progress.
But I don’t want to open a drawer in 2012 (if we’re still around then) and find another disaster of a list from 2009. So this year I’m gonna do it differently.
This year I’m putting it out in advance.
For someone else to read.
To hold me accountable.
To get it done.
So Ill try to update it regularly, and try to be productive. I’m gonna get my act together this year. And you’re gonna help. Hey I’d do the same for you, right?
A list of To Dos —
— (some from ’06… and ’07… and yeah, from ’08…) to help me change the direction of my career:
Get Cast in a Movie
(Done – but next time I won’t screw up afterwards)
Sign up for Improv Class
(Done, but I probly should actually go this year, huh?)
Trim the Fat
- like no half & half in my coffee (lo fat milks a positive step, right?)
- only buying things I really need (ok, ok – if they have Shoppers Anonymous, I’ll go!)
Bake on Saturday Nights instead of Partying
(It deflects date-night rejection… and Im not talking about special brownies.)
Deliver Baked Treats to People I Care About
(A great way to keep the calories out of my mouth AND win applause.)
Box Out My Aggression
(The people I feel like punching all carry cameras.)
Communicate Appreciation More
(I really need to thank Josh & J.A. more often for sending me [some] awesome scripts. They actually get me. And for making me communicate online, I’ve made some awesome friends.)
Watch Whats Out There
- re-watch shows that inspired me to act in the first place like Felicity & My So-Called Life… and of course, “I Love Lucy”!
- keep up with shows I’d love to be on like “Modern Family,” “30 Rock,” and “Glee!”
(Reminder: communicate that to Josh!)
Run on the Beach
(Instead of away from myself.)
Find the Funny
(Good goal for anytime, but I need a special attitude JUST to deal with the ER.)
Deal with My Roots
(I already deal with my blond roots monthly – might need to think about my maternal roots in a deeper way…)
Center Myself with Yoga
(And maybe align myself with one of the cute boys in the class.)
Learn to Say NO to Scripts I Hate
(I know I shouldn’t be picky but… )
Pester Josh about Scripts I LOVE
(And practice being more articulate about why I love them.)
Before New Year’s I’m going to think about what new To-Dos I can add to this list for 2010.
Hey – what’s on your perpetual resolution list?
Let us know in the comments, K?
Evie, you’re SO quickly catching on to the blogger lifestyle — we love lists! Especially inspirational ones like this.
My one and only rule for self improvement actually comes from a video game, believe it or not:
“Stick together to survive.”
If you think about it, it means a lot.
.-= Check out nicopolitan´s latest: Warning Shot =-.
Exactly! I’m finally getting into Twitter and blogging because I now realize that it’s all about “connectedness” which is kind of what you’re talking about, right?
I believe the phrase in the entertainment industry is to “work the room.” Which, with the internet, you can now do from your own room! Uh, but without the innuendo of “work your bedroom.”
….you know what, nevermind. My point is: network, network, network. 🙂
.-= Check out nicopolitan´s latest: Warning Shot =-.
I think your resolutions sound great and you’re putting me in the mood to get to work on my own as well, but I beg of you not to forfeit your half&half for low-fat milk. As a former (recovered) bulimic and current future personal trainer working to complete her ISSA certification, let me point out to you that feeling satisfied is the name of the game. Foods consumed the closest to their natural state (ie: whole milk, heavy cream,etc…) have had less processing done to them and therefore more nutrients left in them. And even if this wasn’t the case, I drink heavy cream in my coffee every day (I love coffee!!) and I believe that this is the reason that I don’t crave all kinds of junk food all of the time—I feel satisfied. My personal theory is that when you stay in a place of having the “full” experience (heavy cream vs. skim milk) you don’t go around always feeling like you missed out on something and looking for the “next” thing because you never got satisfied (always the trigger for bulimics) This may not be the case for you and if it’s not then please don’t let me foist my opinions on you, but if it makes sense to you at all, please consider it. If you do regular workouts and try to eat well the majority of the time, NOTHING is ever off limits. I am almost 45 years old (OMG–it is so hysterical that as soon as you get old you just love to point it out. I’ve become my grandma!!) I’m in better shape now than I was 20 years ago when I used to drink skim milk and eat low fat everything and it must be right because I never even think about it. Life’s too short not to revel in the pleasure of cream in your coffee.
p.s. I’m praying for your big break to come. You crack me up and I look forward to seeing you onscreen.
Thanks for your thoughtful reply. Thinking about it, your philosophy for food, sort of works for life in general because if we stay balanced and feel satisfied, we won’t crave the wrong things, right? Can’t believe you’re a grandma. Your kids and grandkids are very lucky to have you. You’ve definitely got that nurturing thing down pat.
LMAO–no, I’m not a grandma yet (I had my kids late in life–my youngest is 6) I just have BECOME like my grandma. That cracks me up. Hopefully I’ve got time to become a little wiser before then!! Happy Thanksgiving!
Ohhh – funny! You seem wayyy too young in age and spirit. Thanks for clearing that up!
If you ever need a baking buddy, let me know! Although I enjoy baking, having piles of cookies lying around isn’t good for my belly.
Hey, Baking Buddy — My trick is to just eat two bites and then give the rest away. The first two bites = the best bites, because if you think about it the first and last bites always taste the best. It works for me.
Even I need a resolution list! Most prolly I’ll make one for 2010. I like the ‘Find the funny’ one. I should include that in my list. 🙂
.-= Check out P T´s latest: Sucky Sucky Saturday =-.
My mom’s mantra was, “Find the funny, find the funny, find the funny.” I try my best, but…
Read your Sucky Sucky Saturday post and the weather brings me down too (I can be a bit of a drip, when it starts pouring, haha.)