A Great Find For Actors: Killthedoor.com

Acting Out
Today starts out like a typical Monday–
I’m waiting like-FOREVER in a Casting Office, which generally makes me crazed (I’m already so nervous!) but luckily I’m sitting next to this cool girl, Ashley (who could easily pass for my twin) and–
She and I BOND.
The hour+ wait goes SO much faster because we keep trading Audition Horror Stories (We have A LOT of material to draw from!) I guess it‘s true about misery loving company, because we end up laughing a lot, which actually feels pretty good, since Auditions usually tend to make me feel more like crying or calling a Head Hunter to have my head examined for actually choosing to be in this insane industry.
Ashley’s recovering from being cast on a pilot for Cable and being fired before it’s even shot (Talk about depressing!) And I tell her how I felt when I was the only one being tested for a show on a Network (which I’ll refrain from mentioning just in case I ever go up in front of them again) and after Producers tell me (before the test) that I’m definitely “The Girl”— when the test is over, my Agent finds out that they’ve decided to keep looking. WTF!
The best part about sitting next to Ashley, besides meeting someone new to hang out with, is that she turned me on to killthedoor.com.
Killthedoor.com is THE place to go for Actors —
On the site it says–
We are agents, managers, casting directors, acting coaches and actors who want to give you a leg up on the competition.
It has inside info about what’s REALLY happening in the industry PLUS “Members Only” Discounts to Acting Classes, Coaching, Headshots and more.
The Posts on Killthedoor are–
And Definitely about– FINDING THE FUNNY.
Just added Killthedoor.com to my Bookmarks Toolbar, so I can check-in regularly.
I’ve decided that Killthedoor.com is like sitting next to Ashley every single day. Nice!
(When have you been surprised by a “typical Monday” ? Let me know in the comments. )
Thanks! Sadly killthedoor.com is no longer out there. Apparently it was politically a problem in the Industry. Too bad because it was awesome.
i woke up at 11:30pm.
and randomly discovered kill the door.
which led me here.
i love it
I’m glad you woke up because your comment makes me SO happy! (And you have an awesome blog too.) killthedoor is worth checking out every day. Definitely.
[…] We’re not easily flattered but we must say that KTD reader Evie Stewart has warmed our hearts with her blog post . Check it out here […]
killthedoor.com is an awesome source of inspiration and support for actors. Thanks so much for including me in today’s post. You totally made my Friday!