Adjusting Snap Judgments

First person I have to deal with on my ER shift tonight is Anthony Chan, the most uptight Triage Nurse ever – in an especially pissy mood – even for him.

pointing the finger

With his index fingernail painted in DAY GLOW ORANGE  (from a weekend of gay debauchery?) he condescendingly motions to me to come closer and in his most annoying voice —

VOLUNTEER  — see if you can do something to entertain the antsy six-year old in bed 16  — assuming it’s within your skill level!

(Thanks Anthony! Love when you call me “VOLUNTEER!”) I go to Bed 16, check out “Freckles” (can’t say her name cuz of Patient Confidentiality) and immediately bond with her, because I SO know how it feels to want to get out of the E.R.

Cut to: my “lightbulb” moment when I remember Rachel telling me about a cool project she did with her kids — THEN a sprint to my car (which thankfully I rarely clean out) —

I grab chopsticks (leftover from my last trip to Katsuya2Go) and yarn balls (from knitting projects I never quite finished) and beads I find under the car mats.


Forty minutes later (and after we watch a cute how-to video on my iPhone) Freckles, her Mom and I each have an awesome “God’s Eye” Dream Catcher with “wishes.” Soon after that, Freckles’ IV gets removed so her wish comes true. Then discharge papers arrive, so her Mom’s wish comes true and on their way out, Freckles shows Anthony what we made and points to me with a HUMONGOUS SMILE.

After they leave, Anthony motions again with his Day Glow finger –

Evie —  can you show me how to make one of those God’s Eye thingies so next time I babysit my niece I won’t have to come to work with a florescent forefinger?


and —

Finally! He called me “Evie”

(so my wish kinda comes true too!)

What do you think?

Sentenced to volunteer at Greater L.A. Medical (GLAM!) Hospital... I'm on-call in my worst nightmare -- ?!
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