Programming My LIfe

it'll take more than reading a book
My brain has been stuck on COMPUTERS this week. It started with the news reports about the high-tech-intelligence-gathering-Drone that ended up in Iranian hands, freaking everyone out!
JAMES BOND would know what to do —
What I don’t get is why in this day and age there isn’t a button the CIA can press that makes the Drone self-destruct. I’m certainly not a techie (obv!) but it seems very 007-101 to me. And even if our team doesn’t want the Drone to explode in someone’s face, can’t they make it melt or something?
I mean — EVERYTHING seems do-able in computers these days… EVERYTHING! Our entire WORLD is computerized — everything except for MY LIFE – which gets me thinking…
What If…
… I could program MY LIFE like a MAC ?
I would –
- FORMAT my career, starting with me starring in a feature, directed by Jason Reitman, written by Diablo Cody!
- ZOOM IN on the best night of my life (before the “until…”)
- ZOOM OUT on the worst (after the “until”).
- INSERT myself into the cast of MODERN FAMILY (hint-hint, Steve Levitan).
- EDIT myself before I say a less-than-witty-thing in an Audition (like the one last month where the Casting Director actually turned RED after I spoke).
- PARENTAL CONTROLS I’d censor myself from some of my impulsive choices — like doing-the-wrong-thing-in-the-wrong-place-at-the-wrong-time.
- UNDO my mistakes: like the career faux pas that sucked me into hospital hell!
- REBOOT – and get everything back to the way it was…
BUT… if I could control everything, some of the GOOD THINGS that come out of the bad would no longer be possible – like meeting Dr. Crush in a place I’d never go if I’d ever had a choice in the matter.
Maybe what MATTERS is what we make of the moments that don’t go RIGHT. Sigh…
Oh well, I guess it’s a blessing I can’t channel STEVE JOBS, ahaha!
[…] Staying focused, committed, enthusiastic is the ultimate challenge. No that’s not quite right. […]