Posts Tagged ‘NOT funny’
I barely feel like an Actress or an ER Volunteer…
Remember how they said ER Volunteers could come back to my hospital last month? Well, we’re still not back.
Waiting for my COMEBACK!
Charlayne, my supervisor, had us take a brush-up written test. Did that. Aced it. Then a health check-up. Did that. Then we had to get a flu shot. Did that.
Then she sent an email about a mandatory Booster. Have that.
Then she added a Zoom meeting to go over all over the new Covid rules. Sat in on that.
We learned how we must now enter the hospital through a tent, then wait in line for a temp check, then pick-up two hospital masks (to be worn at the same time) and then get a daily badge to wear in addition to our regular badge. Haven’t done any of that yet, because Charlayne’s now supposed to tell us one-by-one when we can go back.
This is starting to feel like waiting for a callback…
To make things worse… haven’t heard from Dr. A in forever...
Or my Agent!
Oh, and I can’t take my homemade goodies to the doctors and nurses anymore because now the staff isn’t allowed to eat in the hospital!) But, it seems like the hospital isn’t the only organization that keeps changing its mind because the CDC is continually Covid-confused too.
On the good side…
Since I’m not doing anything I haven’t made any MISTAKES lately. haha.
And since I’m on auto-Purelling as a way of life after working in the ER for so long, I haven’t gotten Delta, Omacron or any kind of Covid yet. Fingers crossed.
Oh, and I’ve been going on okay-during-Covid-WALKS with a really cute boy in my neighborhood whose name I’m keeping private at the moment;) Not exactly romantic, but at least we don’t have to wear masks and he can see my smile:)
Hang in there Evie, haha …
Covid Aftermath – HUMANS ARE HURTING

KINDNESS is our secret weapon
Last week I heard very sad news. I’m still in shock. It doesn’t feel real. A friend, a fellow actor I know, I mean knew, ended his life.
It hurts too much to discuss details. And I want to protect his wife and child’s privacy… they’re devastated…
What I, what we, need to figure out is how to help all of the hurting humans in our country who are “on the verge” or already “acting-out” after nearly 15 months in isolation.
Covid did a number on all of us —
It’s no surprise that after all we’ve been through, we’re freaking-out and blaming one another other in crowds, on planes, at games and at home. So many of us are still stuck without a job, without security, without a way out. It’s a mental health nightmare that isn’t getting enough attention. Depression is rampant.
We’ve got to start connecting with each other, hearing each other, putting ourselves in each other’s shoes.

This was then…
I don’t know how humans handled the pandemic the last time. In 1918 they didn’t have TVs or cellphones, or computers. They couldn’t distract themselves with Zoom.
It sounds even worse than what we’ve experienced, but that’s hard to imagine…

…this is now.
If you or someone you know seems depressed or suicidal, or just has a few worrisome warning signs, do whatever you can to offer help.
We tried in the case of my friend. We got him into a facility, but his good acting may have fooled the professionals into thinking he was doing better than he was.
Suicide is one of those decisions you can’t take back, unfortunately. Questions go unanswered… the people you love most hurt the most, creating an open wound that lasts forever after…
Watch for Warning Signs —
Crisis Help —
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Thanks for reading. Take care of yourselves out there <3
Back to the Hospital… Baby Steps
At my hospital ER Volunteers are still on “Pause” for Covid, but this week we all got emails saying it’s time to come in for Flu Shots. It’s a mandatory situation for anyone working in our hospital, so we always get them.
Gotta be honest, going back to the hospital after 6 months forced leave felt a little eerie, like walking into a black-and-white Twilight Zone episode where things seem normal but not. Fewer, quieter people walked through the lobby. Hardly anyone was sitting. No Volunteers behind the Information Desk. Just a guard.
Masks are mandatory in the hospital, even on outside bridges. I avoided elevators, wore rubber gloves to open doors and skipped using the restroom.
A nurse whisked me through the vaccination process – I barely had time to fill out my form. Probably was there eight minutes tops, and that included a short, socially-distanced wait in line.
Thinking about everyone in the ER…
I took the outside stairs down to the ER and hung out by the automatic glass doors just long enough to wave to Anthony Chan, wearing a face shield over his mask, triaging a patient. It didn’t feel right to walk in, yet…
Dr. A’s car was the parking lot, so I left him a cute note on his windshield. I wonder when he’ll find it…
I miss all my friends/co-workers — Dr. A, Anthony Chan, Mira, Tyrell, Miguel — even Charlayne. I miss the patients and their families, the EVS workers, the paramedics, the doctors, the nurses. I miss helping. I miss giving hugs. I miss being in on the action. I even miss the bad coffee in the employee lounge. I especially miss the non-paranoid, non-mask-wearing me.
Who knows about Covid, but at least I won’t get the flu…
I’m glad I got my flu shot at the hospital because I’ve definitely built up a lot of anxiety about the place. It felt less scary than I’d anticipated. But not going-back-to-work comfortable yet.
So strange, these times. Fears get magnified. The known feels unknown. Normal feels like an unattainable dream…
Frontline Workers will be among the first to get the Covid vaccine. Is an ER Volunteer a Frontline Worker? Google doesn’t have the answer. If Google doesn’t have the answer, what’s the world coming to?
I sometimes wonder… a lot actually…
(I wonder how he liked the note…)
And Justice For All: Good News

growing stronger!
Phew! There actually are checks-and-balances protecting U.S. citizens (and Actors!) I’m heartened by a few examples this week.
A glimmer of light, at least for now —
First and most famous is the public way our “No Rules” President learned that uhmmm… there actually are rules… And that it might be wise to stop insulting judges like the courageous Judge Robart and start respecting the separation of powers because in some cases other powers like the 9th Circuit Appeals Court are getting the last word. At least for now. Now until Trump drafts a new ban to announce next week, and we all get back on the roller coaster.
What I’m most pleased about this week is that true Americans on both sides of the aisle continue to investigate charges of collusion between Team Trump and Russia… during the election and after the election. It’s looking more and more like this was a carefully choreographed plan to elect Trump, partner with Russia and implement whatever the hell Putin and Trump want.
This week Trump’s beyond-controversial Security Advisor Michael Flynn changed his story about discussing sanctions with the Russian Ambassador… coincidentally on the same day President Obama announced them, followed by Russia changing its response to Obama’s sanctions from “We will reciprocate.” to “Uh, maybe not at this time.” Now all of the “fake news” organizations are reporting this: CNN, The New York Times, The Washington Post. It’s been an eventful week. Oh yes, Mr. President. Read the rest of this entry »
Evie Stewart’s Wishes for President Elect Donald Trump
President Elect Donald Trump
I wish you would…
- stop tweeting
- learn diplomacy
- stop antagonizing
- listen to your security briefs
- remove all sketchy advisors
- start healing the hurt
- thicken your skin
- represent all Americans
- overcome your flaws
- focus on doing well
- stop spreading fake news
- play to your strengths
- stop embarrassing us
- earn your new title
- become educated on world affairs
- cease secret calls with world leaders
- think before you speak
- learn who our enemies are
- become presidential
if only…
Scary News Alerts Suck!

more hugs less hate
The world is freaking me out! Anxiety levels are at an all time high. Between the pathetic and polarizing politics of Presidential campaigns, gun control debates and less-than-safe safety practices on college campuses, there’s no way to get relief. Can you imagine being in Orlando right now with all of the tragedy? Haters of love, death at Disney World, a singer gets stalked: Extremism, Alligators, Stalkers, Mosquitoes… it’s all too much.
Is Any Place Safe?
There’s no way to know what to be afraid of, so we might as well not be afraid of anything. I mean when Anton Yelchin gets killed in his own driveway by his own car, it makes you think why worry? We have no control.
Whatever’s gonna happen is gonna happen. We can’t predict when or why. If it’s our time, it’s our time.
Making The World Better
Exploiting Actors: A New Low
An alarming article, “Actors: ‘It’s So Easy to Exploit Them’ in the April 8th Hollywood Reporter sheds light on a disturbing and accepted new practice in our morally ambiguous industry. Actors are now paying thousands of dollars for the privilege of auditioning in front of casting directors — aka “taking workshops” — with ‘students’ “landing jobs everywhere from ABC to Hulu.”
According to the HR,
“More than two dozen companies offer more than 450 sessions of these “workshops” in a month’s span during pilot season – that many in the industry presume the practice is entirely aboveboard.”
Is The Casting System Ethically Sinking ?!
It’s not above board. In California exchanging money for the prospect of employment is I L L E G A L !
The Krekorian Talent Scam Prevention Act outlaws workshops and casting directors from charging or attempting to charge an artist for an audition or employment opportunity.
Why is Everyone Looking The Other Way?
Why isn’t anything being done? Why are SAG-AFTRA and the Casting Society of America powerless? Why are cost-conscious networks and studios cutting their casting allowances and allowing this illegal practice to flourish? Read the rest of this entry »