Posts Tagged ‘h-h-help!’
Last Minute Christmas Ideas… “It’s not too late, baby”
TWO WEEKS till Christmas! YIKES!
To my fellow procrastinators out there, you can do this! I’m used to winging it at the last minute… bet you are too!
The RETRO CUSTOM VIEWFINDER available on Amazon is a great gift for lucky DIY recipients who love to relive memories. They simply upload their choices of personal pics and soon after VOILA! A disc to pop into their new viewfinder arrives in the mail.
I want/need this POLAROID INSTANT CAMERA with auto focus, a set-timer, in a really cute color. Plus there’s a great deal on right now.
Honor your favorite dog lover with a gift to the AMERICAN HUMANE SOCIETY, or even better, volunteer!
From CREATIVE COCKTAIL GIRL, IG’s Liv.yah. Her garnishes are to die for! She has gorgeous cocktails including the Christmas Mohito and Virgin Christmas Colada. Check her out. She has lots of cool ideas!
Brie Christmas Trees look delish from IG’s Vickyskitchan. Make them if you’re having friends over or going to someone’s home for the holidays. You’ll earn lots of “yum”s and “ooh-and-ahhh”s. Looks easy. I’m definitely trying it! has sooooo many good ideas you can create last minute for Christmas. I might buy myself the Polaroid camera and make Christmas ornaments for friends and family. Yeah, that would be a win/win for everyone, right?
Happy, Merry, HO HO HO
It’s so hard to get back to —
- Love Connections
- Work Connections
- Friend Connections
It’s as if we’ve been on another planet for what feels like almost two years now that we’re rounding around the holiday bend.
Everything and Everywhere feels DISORGANIZED
I just got back from Austin where a friend had a film premiering at the Austin Film Festival. He was so hopeful about premiering there, but sadly the fest was short-staffed, overwhelmed and underprepared. Some of the panels were really interesting, but the festival “directors” gave a lot of mixed messages without the proper prep and support. It looked like crowds were light. It was my first time in a movie theater, so I’m sure others were a little scared to go to a film festival after being so careful. I talked to a producer who said it’s been like that for all of the fests recently. She said “SXSW” was a disaster. Guess you can blame it on Covid.
Luckily productions are picking up, so I’m hoping-wishing-praying that some acting gigs are in my future. But the tragic news about Halyna Hutchins puts chills through anyone who’s ever been or will be going on a film set. Sloppiness about protocols, an overwhelmed and underprepared cast and crew… a tragedy that could’ve been avoided… If only there were more people paying attention. I want to go back, but I want to be sure people are paying attention.
Who knows how long it’ll be before we recover from all of the effects of Covid — not just health-wise but people-wise.
Just got an email from the hospital where I volunteer asking if we want to come back, if we’ve been vaccinated, blah, blah, blah. We’ve been furloughed for-covid-ever, but it looks like we’ll be going back sometime in the near future. Yay! At least I can help people-wise at the hospital and do some good. I need to get back to some sense of normal.
Can’t wait to connect with friends in places other than on screens. Enough with the Instagram, Zoom reality!
I don’t know if I’ll ever feel a sense of normal again. Get me to the hospital STAT! I need a dose of Dr. A to find out, haha!
Covid Aftermath – HUMANS ARE HURTING

KINDNESS is our secret weapon
Last week I heard very sad news. I’m still in shock. It doesn’t feel real. A friend, a fellow actor I know, I mean knew, ended his life.
It hurts too much to discuss details. And I want to protect his wife and child’s privacy… they’re devastated…
What I, what we, need to figure out is how to help all of the hurting humans in our country who are “on the verge” or already “acting-out” after nearly 15 months in isolation.
Covid did a number on all of us —
It’s no surprise that after all we’ve been through, we’re freaking-out and blaming one another other in crowds, on planes, at games and at home. So many of us are still stuck without a job, without security, without a way out. It’s a mental health nightmare that isn’t getting enough attention. Depression is rampant.
We’ve got to start connecting with each other, hearing each other, putting ourselves in each other’s shoes.

This was then…
I don’t know how humans handled the pandemic the last time. In 1918 they didn’t have TVs or cellphones, or computers. They couldn’t distract themselves with Zoom.
It sounds even worse than what we’ve experienced, but that’s hard to imagine…

…this is now.
If you or someone you know seems depressed or suicidal, or just has a few worrisome warning signs, do whatever you can to offer help.
We tried in the case of my friend. We got him into a facility, but his good acting may have fooled the professionals into thinking he was doing better than he was.
Suicide is one of those decisions you can’t take back, unfortunately. Questions go unanswered… the people you love most hurt the most, creating an open wound that lasts forever after…
Watch for Warning Signs —
Crisis Help —
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Thanks for reading. Take care of yourselves out there <3
SPECIAL DELIVERY: Two Dads, Contractions and a Crazy Elevator Ride
Last night… It’s a typical night in the ER: one rainbow-haired “5150” who thinks he’s Jesus, restrained to the gurney; two passionate hikers covered in red welts, itching in all the wrong places; several “gunshot wounds” with gang members in the waiting room, demanding to know the status. Friendly? Or there to finish off the job? I’m glad to have an excuse to leave for ten minutes when Triage Nurse, Anthony Chan shoves a wheelchair toward me with a Maternity Mom in it and a Dad next to it.
“Volunteer, take this couple up to L & D. Stat!”
On it! Gladly! I call up to L & D and tell them I’m on my way.
The Perils of PUSHING —
I speed-roll Maternity Mom + Dad into the empty elevator. Doors start to close, but a GIANT HAND intervenes. In walks a 6’6″ man attached to it. Uh-oh! With glares and territorial behavior happening in this elevator, it’s suddenly apparent… this pregnant party isn’t a Couple… it’s a THRUPLE!!!
Maternity Mom (doubling over): “ooooooouuuuuuu…. eeeeehhhhhh….. ahhhhhhhhh!
Dad #1:” ” What are you doing here?”
Dad #2: “What the fuck are you doing here?”
Maternity Mom: “owwwww…. Owwwwwww… OWWWWWWW!”
Me: “Breathe.”
(Maternity Mom assumes the pushing face.)
Me: “Short breaths, fff–fff—fff”
Dad #1: “Girl, I gave you everything!”
Dad #2 : “Nuh-uh, she needed more.” (pointing to his crotch.)
Maternity Mom: I need a BATHROOM!
Me: Don’t push.
Dad #1 to Dad #2: Fuck you!”
Dad #2 (louder): “Fuck you!”
Maternity Mom: “Ow… OW…OWWWW… FUCK, FUCK, FUCK!
(Exactly what got them all into this mess.)
Me: C’mon guys, obstetrics wasn’t covered in Volunteer Orientation!
Me: “Short breaths, blow, fff–fff–fff”
Dad #1: “Breathe, baby —
Dad #2: “Baby heart, you got this —
Maternity Mom: “OWWWWWW! I’ve gotta get this outta me!”
(DING! Elevator door opens!)
(The Charge Nurse grabs the wheel chair)
Charge Nurse: “Taking her to Three. ”
(Dads shove each other out of the way. Charge Nurse blocks them.)
Charge Nurse: “Both of you. In the waiting room. Now! Don’t make me call Security.”
The door to Three closes. At last I can breathe.
I text Niles: “OMG, almost delivered a baby in the elevator”
PING! Incoming from Niles — Seth Meyers’ wife didn’t even make it that far.

ER Snafu – HELP!
Yesterday on my ER shift I almost go into cardiac arrest when I realize I’ve just fed a stack of crucial records for a critical Patient (currently in an ambulance speeding toward the ER) through the slot of a trash bin designated for shredding! In horror my eyes land on the big fat PADLOCK blocking my next move! Nooooo!
Flash-back several minutes —
In the Waiting Room Triage Nurse Anthony Chan, in his usual pissy mood, shoves two stacks of papers in my hands —
Personally hand this to the Charge Nurse and no one else, STAT! And stick these in the shredder bin. Within your skill-level, Volunteer?
I burst through the doors into Trauma, but the Charge Nurse isn’t there and no one knows where she is. I head toward the nearest Trash Bin to get rid of the other stack, but I run into Dr. A, who distracts me by making my heart beat faster (not my fault). Nonchalantly I slip the papers through the slot, flash him my killer smile and mosey on back to Triage…
I freeze when I spot Anthony Chan. F<#k! Read the rest of this entry »

“trust me…”
Hollywood may’ve gotten a bad rap this past election year, but when it comes to negotiations, they’ve set a great example for “how its done.” After twisty-turny, last-minute negotiations, Hollywood is getting its happy ending!
Sadly, it’s not the same for Healthcare in America. After yesterday’s vote, when many of the Congressmen didn’t even take the time to read the bill they rushed to vote on —
They Took The Healthcare Crisis off LIFE SUPPORT!
The CHARACTER of our COUNTRY has sunk to a new low as House Republicans (mostly white men) gloated in the White House Rose Garden after passing a bill that takes away Healthcare for Americans, but gives Tax Breaks to wealthy donors and big corporations.
Disturbing on so many levels, if you have something wrong with you, it’ll cost you a lot more per year to deal with it. For instance it’ll cost over 140K annually for patients with metastasized cancer (as if their problems aren’t already overwhelming enough.) And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Read the rest of this entry »
And Justice For All: Good News

growing stronger!
Phew! There actually are checks-and-balances protecting U.S. citizens (and Actors!) I’m heartened by a few examples this week.
A glimmer of light, at least for now —
First and most famous is the public way our “No Rules” President learned that uhmmm… there actually are rules… And that it might be wise to stop insulting judges like the courageous Judge Robart and start respecting the separation of powers because in some cases other powers like the 9th Circuit Appeals Court are getting the last word. At least for now. Now until Trump drafts a new ban to announce next week, and we all get back on the roller coaster.
What I’m most pleased about this week is that true Americans on both sides of the aisle continue to investigate charges of collusion between Team Trump and Russia… during the election and after the election. It’s looking more and more like this was a carefully choreographed plan to elect Trump, partner with Russia and implement whatever the hell Putin and Trump want.
This week Trump’s beyond-controversial Security Advisor Michael Flynn changed his story about discussing sanctions with the Russian Ambassador… coincidentally on the same day President Obama announced them, followed by Russia changing its response to Obama’s sanctions from “We will reciprocate.” to “Uh, maybe not at this time.” Now all of the “fake news” organizations are reporting this: CNN, The New York Times, The Washington Post. It’s been an eventful week. Oh yes, Mr. President. Read the rest of this entry »