Posts Tagged ‘feel-good movie’
LABOR OF LOVE: Directing Attention to The Village Theater
What happens when a 93-year-old Spanish Revival/Art Deco movie palace with one of the largest screens in L.A. goes up for sale? Well, following the trend of Tarantino’s purchase of the Vista Theater, and Netflix/American Cinematheque’s purchase of Egyptian Theater, a who’s who list of three-dozen Directors are joining together to preserve The Village Theater.
An Iconic Save
Christopher Nolan, Steven Spielberg, Lulu Wang, Bradley Cooper, JJ Abrams, Damien Chazelle, Chris Columbus, Todd Phillips, Guillermo Del Toro, Alexander Gonzalez Inarritu and Alfonso Cuaron are just some of the Directors, lead by Jason Reitman (Juno, Up in the Air) who plan to preserve and restore the 1930’s landmark, scene of decades of iconic films and memorable movie premiers. Some of the Village Theater’s visionaries like Jason Lin, Gina Prince-Blythewood, Jonathan Dayton, Valerie Faris, Brad Silberling and Alexander Payne are returning to their UCLA roots in this joint venture that’s university-adjacent in the Westwood Village.
The Directors plan to showcase a mixture of first-run films and repertory programming that they will select. Goals include showcasing their personal collections of props, wardrobe items and film prints, along with plans for a restaurant, bar and gallery — all while the 1300-people theatre stays open.
I’m very excited to support this endeavor. My mom grew up going to the Village Theater. I loved her stories of glamorous Hollywood. I wouldn’t mind a dose of glam right now.
We can all use a dose of sparkle…
AS WE SEE IT: binge-worthy with heart

embrace it!
I’m a huge fan of Jason Katims. HUGE. His shows have so much heart they always stay with me after. He was a big part of making two of my all-time faves, the faves of so many… Friday Night Lights and Parenthood.
AS WE SEE IT: a Comedy? Drama? Dramcomedy? Comdrama?
AS WE SEE IT on Amazon Prime has the heart and soul of Katim’s trademark, but with lots of twists and turns. I’ve never seen a show quite like it. And you don’t have to take just my word for it, it has an audience score of 100 on Rotten Tomatoes.
It’s about three Autistic Twentysomethings trying to figure out how to fit in. And it’s actually played by three amazingly-talented actors who are on the spectrum themselves. I know it sounds serious, but it’s not. It’s funny and charming and very real and relatable… we all want to fit in, right?

AS WE SEE IT’s Harrison, Violet and Jack
Wants and Needs —
- Harrison (Albert Rutecki) wants to stop being afraid to leave house.
- Violet (Sue Ann Pien) wants a boyfriend
- Jack (Rick Glassman) wants to take care of his father who is taking care of him.
(And I want it to already be the second season, so there’s more to watch, haha.)
Mandy (Sosie Bacon) plays the Den Mother/Aid with never-ending compassion who’s running away from her own life — or at least trying to figure it out. I first noticed Bacon in MARE OF EASTTOWN. With talent-genes from her parents Kyra Sedgwick & Kevin Bacon, Sosie shows all of the layers of Mandy in AS WE SEE IT.
Adapted from the Israeli comedy series “On the Spectrum,” AS WE SEE IT is lightness and laughter as Harrison, Violet and Jack face their fears — frequently with catastrophic results (something else I totally relate to).
As I see it, everyone should give AS WE SEE IT a look… It’s that good!
Missing My Mom on Mother’s Day
I was so young when I lost my Mom that it’s sometimes a challenge to hold onto the memories. I mostly remember her through stories my Dad and Niles have told me through the years.
Mom always had a way of making life a little more sparkly. Presents would be wrapped in unexpected ways using comic books, photos, feathers, flowers, glitter, balloons — and they’d be hidden or hanging from the ceiling.
On April Fool’s Day she’d send me to school with a cardboard sandwich in my lunchbox, a note written backwards: “yad sloof lirpa yppah” and three yummy desserts.
On Halloween we cooked an entire orange dinner together: pumpkin soup in a carved-out pumpkin, carrot bread, paprika fried chicken and orange popsicles.
A Contest She Knew I’d Win
One of my best memories is our flower planting contest. I think I was about four. I definitely remember going to the nursery and buying my own gardening gloves with yellow flowers printed on them and picking out a bright yellow watering can and a rake that was just my size. Read the rest of this entry »
The Scariest of Times and The Best of Times
Yesterday as I watched the Inauguration and wished with all my might that things would go smoothly and safely, my happy tears went through a box of Kleenex and I went to bed feeling peaceful. It was the first time I’ve felt that way for 4… no more than 5 1/2 years — basically ever since a certain someone came down the escalator and people thought it was funny (fyi — I NEVER thought it was funny.)
We got through it, even though it seemed very touch-and-go till the bitter end. Thank you National Guard, for protecting our country, our Constitution and our future.
Today I’m grateful to HEROES President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris for bringing back —
Dancing for DEMOCRACY

dance whenever! wherever!
Loved, loved, loved seeing ELECTION DEFENDERS make lemonade out of long-line-lemons, spreading cool moves and positivity to VOTING in Philly. Rachel Maddow interviewed the enthusiastic Nelini Stamp and showed what creative get-the-vote-out-thinking can accomplish. Nelini’s contagious smile and kick-ass movement: JOY TO VOTERS made me want to boogie back to the polls again.
Imagine a place where no one’s asking what party you’re part of because everyone’s partying together. Yeah, you might need to go to a SWING STATE to see it — or you can bring a social-distancing-dance-vote-movement to your own State. Remember, the State of the Union is up to each one of us.
Cha Cha Slide to the POLLS —
It’ll make you believe in democracy again

Meet Darby Carter —
Half-hour rom-dramedy at its best —
HBO Max’s LOVE LIFE by creator Sam Boyd is perfect for pandemic binging. The series follows DARBY CARTER (Anna Kendrick) through her twenties as she navigates her career and romances in NYC. Darby gets lots of input from her impulsive best friend Sara (Zoe Chao), Sara’s likeable boyfriend Jim (Peter Vack), and the brutally honest Mallory (Sasha Compère).

Sara Yang, Darby’s fearless bff —
Sometimes you’ve got to find yourself before you find the one…
In the first five minutes we know we’re on a journey to help Darby, the wounded pleaser, find the love of her life. Darby struggles through her fear of rejection to make romantic connections, short and long — with a couple of broken hearts, flings and hook-ups in her path. What gets in her way? She doesn’t know what a true connection feels like — thanks to her narcissistic mom, weak dad and confusing examples surrounding her. What keeps her going is her unshaken belief that she’ll find what she’s looking for someday…

Augie and Darby… what does it all mean?
Darby’s love life reminds me of mine – catastrophic yet eternally hopeful. LOVE LIFE is a hybrid anthology series that turns the rom-com upside down… definitely worth watching — with unexpected twists and turns and a really good ending. That’s all I’m going to say. Don’t want to spoil it.
(Wish I could star in my own anthology series. Would definitely like to know how it turns out, ahaha.)

Me too, Darby!
SPECIAL DELIVERY: Two Dads, Contractions and a Crazy Elevator Ride
Last night… It’s a typical night in the ER: one rainbow-haired “5150” who thinks he’s Jesus, restrained to the gurney; two passionate hikers covered in red welts, itching in all the wrong places; several “gunshot wounds” with gang members in the waiting room, demanding to know the status. Friendly? Or there to finish off the job? I’m glad to have an excuse to leave for ten minutes when Triage Nurse, Anthony Chan shoves a wheelchair toward me with a Maternity Mom in it and a Dad next to it.
“Volunteer, take this couple up to L & D. Stat!”
On it! Gladly! I call up to L & D and tell them I’m on my way.
The Perils of PUSHING —
I speed-roll Maternity Mom + Dad into the empty elevator. Doors start to close, but a GIANT HAND intervenes. In walks a 6’6″ man attached to it. Uh-oh! With glares and territorial behavior happening in this elevator, it’s suddenly apparent… this pregnant party isn’t a Couple… it’s a THRUPLE!!!
Maternity Mom (doubling over): “ooooooouuuuuuu…. eeeeehhhhhh….. ahhhhhhhhh!
Dad #1:” ” What are you doing here?”
Dad #2: “What the fuck are you doing here?”
Maternity Mom: “owwwww…. Owwwwwww… OWWWWWWW!”
Me: “Breathe.”
(Maternity Mom assumes the pushing face.)
Me: “Short breaths, fff–fff—fff”
Dad #1: “Girl, I gave you everything!”
Dad #2 : “Nuh-uh, she needed more.” (pointing to his crotch.)
Maternity Mom: I need a BATHROOM!
Me: Don’t push.
Dad #1 to Dad #2: Fuck you!”
Dad #2 (louder): “Fuck you!”
Maternity Mom: “Ow… OW…OWWWW… FUCK, FUCK, FUCK!
(Exactly what got them all into this mess.)
Me: C’mon guys, obstetrics wasn’t covered in Volunteer Orientation!
Me: “Short breaths, blow, fff–fff–fff”
Dad #1: “Breathe, baby —
Dad #2: “Baby heart, you got this —
Maternity Mom: “OWWWWWW! I’ve gotta get this outta me!”
(DING! Elevator door opens!)
(The Charge Nurse grabs the wheel chair)
Charge Nurse: “Taking her to Three. ”
(Dads shove each other out of the way. Charge Nurse blocks them.)
Charge Nurse: “Both of you. In the waiting room. Now! Don’t make me call Security.”
The door to Three closes. At last I can breathe.
I text Niles: “OMG, almost delivered a baby in the elevator”
PING! Incoming from Niles — Seth Meyers’ wife didn’t even make it that far.