Posts Tagged ‘conundrums’
A Girl’s Essentials (part 4, bad hair day fix)
- No matter how hard you try to style it like the stylists, do you end up with FRIZZ?
- Do you have MORE IMPORTANT THINGS to focus on than the mirror?
You’ll never ever need to blow a job interview, first date or audition again. Read the rest of this entry »
Pilot Season Psychic Powers
Forget Acting!
I should be a PSYCHIC!
All of my Comedy Pilot Predictions came true! Too bad I can’t predict what’s gonna happen in my own “career”, Ugh!
Congrats to all behind the shows that were picked up! Can’t wait for you to come back from the Upfronts, so we can MOVE ON to– Read the rest of this entry »
2013-14 PILOT SEASON – I’m Over it!
This is the first Pilot Season where I’m just not invested. Trying to figure out why. More and more, it feels like the business side is overruling the creative side with FORMULAS being the FOCUS and that depresses me. It’s all about WHO THE NETWORKS WANT TO BE IN BUSINESS WITH – big name directors, big name talent. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t, but the emphasis on big name talent has changed Pilot Season for Actors like me. There are fewer and fewer opportunities if your name isn’t big.
And with all of the second-guessing and recasting, it’s even more stressful and exhausting. That’s part of it, but things just haven’t seemed the same since they stopped printing DAILY VARIETY. I miss my hard copies! I miss reading them leisurely over lattes and I miss caring about any of it!
I’m thinking about getting into MUSIC or FASHION or PHOTOGRAPHY – anything other than Acting, because living from one Pilot Season to the next SUCKS!
but while we’re on the subject… COMEDIES IN CONTENTION include: Read the rest of this entry »
Hospitals: Enter at your own RISK!
Working at a HOSPITAL is like working at STRESS CENTRAL. Everyone’s “on edge.”
- Going through an uncomfortable procedure is stressful.
- Removing your clothes for a stranger is stressful.
- Waiting for test results is stressful.
- Visiting someone you love who is in pain is stressful.
- Going through labor (and the next 18 years) is stressful.
- Working a 12 hour shift is stressful.
- Receiving your hospital bill is stressful.
I totally get it, but—
I still have no idea why a member of the Janitorial Staff completely went off on me yesterday. Read the rest of this entry »
2013-14 Pilot Season RECASTS: An EPIDEMIC?
What the F@#K is going on with the daily RECASTS? It’s outta control! Apparently no one’s safe — even if your name is BIG. Execs who rushed to pull the trigger early can’t stop rethinking, reloading and making nervous ACTORS nervous-er!
NBC Comedy Pilot ‘Holding Patterns’ Recasts Role
Jane Adams Exits NBC’s Craig Robinson Pilot
Christina Ricci Exits NBC Pilot ‘Girlfriend In A Coma’
Mercedes Masohn Exits ABC Pilot ‘Mixology’
It’s like getting the WORST FEEDBACK ever!!!
“Rising recasts” started last year, but now I feel like things are escalating. Blame it on TECHNOLOGY or JOB INSECURITY or the change from TESTING TO TAPING, or the rush to sign a BIG NAME without knowing if he or she is really right for the project. Not sure of the cause, but whatever… Read the rest of this entry »
Call it what you want – “SOULMATE”, “OTHER HALF”, “PERFECT PERSON” – we’re all looking, but we’re not all finding. Or — maybe we have found… WAIT! How do you know if the One is THE ONE?
Like a certain Doctor who keeps messing with my mind…
Is he what I’m looking for? Am I that for him? Am I the yin to his yang? The vice to his versa? The Tiffany to his Pat?
(On another ER Break )
Conversing in the Cafeteria —
He gives me A LOOK after I taste his yummy muffin and spill a few crumbs — Read the rest of this entry »
Desensitized? Are we afraid to FEEL?
Volunteering in the ER isn’t that hard most of the time. Though we help patients in stressful moments of need, we usually send them home with a fix or admit them upstairs for tests or rush them to the OR — and then move-on, “Next!” But every now and then I get sucked into the depth of someone’s despair and like quicksand it consumes me. The more experienced Volunteers, Doctors and Nurses appear to be affected the least. I guess that’s how they get through it.
I feel like our nation is experiencing an epidemic of “Desensitizeditis!”
Daily we hear about another random act of violence, often involving a gun and a possibly-bullied, off-balanced human who may or may not play video games, who watches a lot of violent movies and thinks it’s cool to go down in history as a cover story in People. No guilt or sadness over creating chaos and cruelty. No fear of repercussion. Just the overwhelming desire to do something devastating and LOUD. One last chance to be heard.
We as a society hear about it, read about it, Tweet about it — and then move-on, “Next!” Meanwhile innocent people lose their lives. Family members and friends will never ever be the same. Civilization continues to sink. Maybe we can’t bear to focus on our own loss of safety and wellbeing. FEELING POWERLESS is not a good feeling. Read the rest of this entry »